Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I feel as if I have going full speed since Thanksgiving.

I'm sure that this is nothing more than the year-end hustle that it appears everybody is caught up in so I stopped to take a breather.

When I was a child my mother worked as a wedding coordinator and I was allowed to quietly tag along. The one thing that I took away from that experience was, as long as the bride and groom show up the wedding will take place.

Mom always had a backup plan for everything. If the preacher fell ill, she had a notary on call. If the wedding dress got torn, she had a seamstress at the ready. If the cake shifted in transport, her staff could rework the cake so that it was beautifully presented to the guests.

I guess mom applied the 5P Theory to her job as a coordinator. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

As a contractor that offers services, you are part of the plan. Amazon can help your business be discovered and Amazon can also handle payment processing. By using their services you can focus on doing what you do best, delivering great service and growing your business.

I am not going to tell you that contractors have not seen the downside of Amazon Home Services. First and foremost, Amazon is the middleman. As a contractor you need to have excellent communication skills to coordinate projects with your clients but, you probably know that. Amazon Home Service contractors must be certified, licensed, and insured. Remember the 5P theory!

From my perspective, I think it's fine that my IT guy is willing to shovel snow for $99 per hour. I'm okay with that because I just need the help. Amazon has already done the background check so I feel more at ease.

In this hurry up and hustle world that we live in, people are willing to outsource the work that they don't have time or the heart for. I would be willing to shovel my driveway except for the fact that it will take time away from my already overloaded schedule.

Applying the 5P theory means that I need to be scheduling for the upcoming weeks and months. Apply to Selling Services on Amazon here to begin planning for 2016.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas Light Everywhere

Lights make me happy. I don't care if they are on a truck, a moped, my house or a bicycle. Today when I was out traveling the roads, I saw a motorcycle with lights on its sissy bar! Since every room in my house and the outside of my house is lit up, I thought I should share some of the happiness here too. No matter what, to me lights are just fun at any time of the year.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

I always preach, "safety first". I talk about it and remind people about safety so much so that I get tired of hearing myself talk about the importance of safety.

As I write, I wonder how I ever could have made the stupid mistake that caused me to break three toes on my left foot and I am pouting about it. In my haste to put something away, I took a sharp turn and bashed my foot into a piece of furniture. It didn't move and I am seriously pouting about not being able to do the things that I would normally do during the holiday season.

Fortunately, I was able to hobble to a few Black Friday sales. This year was somewhat different, though. There was not a crowd at the store. Actually, it took me a while to greet all of the associates and get into the store! This was probably a good thing for me because my foot was so swollen I was wearing a heavy sock. I do not suggest that you shop in socks. It's not safe. Foot protection is important.

After reading OSHA's foot protection regulations I'm wondering why they allowed me in the store and I may require steel toe shoes be worn while performing housework.

Do as I say, not as I do. I never want an accident to happen to you.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

My View Of The View

It saddens me that I just watched a report about Carly Fiorina's appearance on The View.

I do not know when the "demented" statement was made, nor do I know who made the comment because I didn't care. For that matter, I still don't. So, these grown women started bullying a presidential candidate when we all have serious issues to address.

Carly Fiorina challenged these ladies and snagged an appearance on the show. The ladies hosting the show were not necessarily kind to their guest when they probably should have been. I have been told that their ratings are dropping and this was probably an opportunity to correct that problem.

Instead of honoring Barbara Walters' legacy of informative, interesting reporting we watched grown women defend their childish behavior in a way that was very similar to any verbal fight that most of us witnessed in the cafeteria in junior high school.

When Barbara Walters first started The View in 1997, I was pleased. She was giving women the opportunity to express their opinion about everything and anything, including political issues. Yes, Barbara Walters could see that our world was changing and that women had an important role in its development. Not everybody had noticed, but Barbara recognized it, pushed for the show and broke ground for women to step up and be noticed. Thank you, Barbara.

Now putting politics aside, not all women fail to see and act on ideal opportunities. Many women seek ideal opportunities out and behave in a professional manner. I'm sorry, Barbara.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

That's Nice.

I was at the grocery store and had a discounted item in my order. I know I didn't need the toy, but I had picked it up anyway since it was a bargain. As the woman processed my order I noticed that the discounted item did not reflect the reduced price so I pointed it out to her. She glanced at the monitor and replied, "You will have to go to customer service. I'm new and they never showed me how to do anything like that."

I inhaled deeply as she continued on about how it wasn't her problem and I had a dozen thoughts run through my mind. She continued to ramble about something and  I heard her say, "It's not my fault." I looked her directly in the eye and clearly replied, "That's nice!"

At that very moment, I wanted to completely go off the deep end and give her every bit of what I had built up over the past week. It was nobody's fault that my pharmacy didn't have their employee trained last week, but I was patient and walked the young man through the entire process over the phone. It wasn't anybody's fault that a side effect from my new medication was not printed on the insert that I received, but I was understanding of the oversight. It surely wasn't that girl's fault at the drive through window when two drinks were missing from my order and I know that because she told me so.

Somebody is at fault.

At the grocery store, the young lady that was working bagging my order spoke up and said, "It might show the reduced price when the order is totaled. If it doesn't show the markdown I will go over to customer service with you and we will get it fixed." All of my concern and built up frustration was immediately gone. Neither she nor I cared about who was at fault, but as a customer I now had a team!

The woman totaled my order. Sure enough, the reduced price showed up. I pointed it out to the cashier because she didn't notice even though I'm sure she would tell me that it wasn't her fault that she wasn't paying any attention. In a way, I feel guilty about my next action but in a way I don't. It's a fault of mine that I will rethink and reconsider every scenario.

I turned to the woman and said, "You need to listen to this young lady because she knows what she is doing and she is not afraid to take corrective action."

I'm still on the fence about my little comment but, it does occur to me that I could have made a scene to find out exactly who was at fault.

Do you allow your employees to admit fault and take corrective action?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Healing Paws For Heroes

A few years ago I met Kelley Williams of Healing Paws For Heroes at a community event in Ball Ground, GA. I guess that my memory of meeting Kelley is somewhat of a blurr since my family and I had just moved to the area and I was busy absorbing every detail possible, but I do remember that I especially enjoyed meeting Kelley and learning about her mission of putting her skills to use benefiting veterans that were in need of Service Dogs.

I follow Healing Paws For Heroes on facebook and though I have fallen hard for Gunner, I know he's doing well. His new friend Torqe is the problem. Healing Paws For Heroes accepted Torqe into the program to save this puppy's life. Torqe is a Shiloh Shepard.

The Shiloh Shepard is a cross breed of the German Shepard and other breeds. Although they are larger than German Shepherds they tend to be calmer than German Shepherds. The Shiloh breed is still under development and if this weren't enough of a problem for Torqe he was not in perfect health when he arrived at Healing Paws. This pup is going to need some medical attention before he is able to continue on with his training.

Please donate to help Healing Paws For Heroes. Every little bit helps Kelley provide for the care of the dogs that she has in training for veterans that need a companion Service Dog. Your generosity is greatly appreciated and thank you for your kindness to help Torqe with his new life.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

PTSD Consumed My Thoughts Today

This morning I was greeted on Facebook by a video that a friend shared from PTSD Project's facebook page. The video had been posted on a young man's personal facebook page just prior to his suicide.

I didn't know this young man so with respect to his family I will not reference his name.

My heart sunk as I thought of the grief that had overwhelmed his family and friends. In the video, the young man said that he didn't want to hurt them any longer and had decided that taking his own life was the only way to keep them from suffering.

I cried. My daughter had been ease dropping and she said, “I'd rather suffer through PTSD with somebody than to have them commit suicide. I can get over them hurting my feelings, but I will never get over their committing suicide.”

The morning's experience stayed with me all day. Although PTSD Project asked that I share the video, I chose not to. Such an irony that I have that freedom.

As I worked I kept thinking of children that I had taught in various Bible schools where I have volunteered. It's funny to me that when I volunteer to teach I usually offer to be in classes that are specifically for children in grades K-3 and the more experienced teachers always assign the known trouble makers to me!

C'mon. It's Bible school, these are five to nine year old children and as an experienced teacher you tagged a child as being a trouble maker and placed them in my care? Looks to me that post traumatic stress may start very early on, but I just always wanted the children to be happy and feel loved when they left my classroom to go home.

All of those children are now adults. They may remember my teachings but I doubt they remember my name. I wondered what I would say to any one of them should they tell me they were considing suicide.

First thing I think of comes from my mother. Stop worrying about youself and start paying attention to others. My second thought comes from a television show, 'If you want to find yourself, go to church.'

In my mind, I start to ask the child questions.
     You remember that lady that placed you in my care? Her mother was in a nursing home and she felt guilt about missing what might be her mom's final hours. She was so fearful of not being all things to her church and her family that her smile was fake.

      Remember that one little girl that was the only girl in my class? Her daddy was serving his fifteen years in the state pen. A lady from the church told me that she and others wouldn't visit the child's dad at the prison and when I told her I thought that's when people needed God the most she and her husband contacted the preacher to set up a program to assist families in similar situations.

     How about those ladies in the kitchen? Do you remember them? I always told you that we needed to be quiet because the old ladies in the kitchen would get mad. You would all giggle and I would ask if you thought they didn't know they were old. You children would laugh harder and I would shush you and beg you not to get me in trouble with the ladies in the kitchen. When our class went for snacks I thanked those ladies for having my back and told them about our shenanigans. They always complimented me by telling me that they loved to hear your laughter and they told me that I had the  
most difficult job because the strong willed children were in my care. I would smile and nod and say, “Yes, thank you. My children are spirited! Thank you.” They wanted to know my secret to teaching and I would always refer to you and your spirit.  Eventually, I would thank my way around the kitchen so I could get back to my little class because I couldn't wait to be back with you children.

     I wanted to be with you children because I too had ghosties and ghoulies and long leggedy beasties and things that went bump in the night, good Lord, deliver us! You children were my safe haven for those few hours.

As my mom told me, stop worrying about yourself and start paying attention to others. That's why I volunteered to teach Bible school. I needed to pay attention to others.

Don't like the idea of going to church? Then don't go to church, but do start paying attention to others.

Please do not bother using drugs or alcohol to correct what ails you because that will just make things worse. If you're hurting, many other people are too. Not for the same reasons, but they hurt too.

Do you feel embarrassed about yourself and the ghosties and ghoulies that you feel certain that everybody can see? Weren't you paying attention? I just told you that I had them too. Everybody has them. Mine aren't the same as yours, but you aren't going to convince me that yours are bigger.

As I write I recall my daughter's words. I can get over having my feelings hurt. So I ask that just for today you will try to pay attention to others. Just for today you will ask questions about others. Just for today you will listen to their answers without prejudice. Just for today.

When tomorrow comes and you wake up hurting, feel embarrassed or sad and miss having your friends around please remember that I feel that way too, but just for today I am paying attention to others and we'll rinse and repeat the just for today thing we did the day before.  Just for today.  There has never been a secret to my teachings, it is your spirit.   

Spirited: full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination

I call these flowers Tate Buttercups.
They are commonly know as Evening Primrose.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Web Site Update, #Veterans' Pages

I keep over scheduling my days.  It's so bad that while I was outside with the dog today I heard the cat and realized I had left the window open.  Since he was staring at me I started to tell Cat Prince about what I had already accomplished before noon and what I needed to do before 5pm so I be on time for my 7pm appointment.  I told him that I should encourage Anna Dog along.  Prince replied, "Nooooooow!" So I'm taking his advice again and sharing this now.

I have added to the veteran pages of GHC.  I've tried to provide resources that I have screened and feel comfortable sharing without sending anybody down the wrong road.  As always, I encourage you to visit Semper Fi Fund.  I find that the positive attitude of the organization is contagious.

The positive, no BS attitude is something that I prefer.  Elting Morison wrote in Men, Machines and Modern Times that a desk and a telephone created a bureaucracy.  How true!  I guess it depends on who picks up the phone.

Anyway, GHC is moving into having four pages that provide information for veterans, VeteransVeterans' LinksVeterans' Links Page 2 and Resume Help For New Job Seekers. Yes, New Job Seekers.  Maybe the page name isn't perfect but you want a new job and nobody offered a better name for it!

My newest discovery is this 2 minute video of one of Rocky Bleier's motivational speeches.  He was a hero in my home when I was a child.  All these years later and he still is. 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Amazon #PrimeDay, July 15, 2015

Amazon is celebrating their 20th birthday by establishing Prime Day.  Customers have the opportunity to try out a new Amazon Prime membership for thirty days at no cost.

Amazon announced the special event on Monday, June 6, 2015 by stating  "Step aside Black Friday, meet Prime Day."  It is Christmas in July for everybody that uses their Prime membership, whether the membership is already paid for or being used on a trial basis.

I am pleased that my online friends can take advantage of the deals that will be offered.  The celebration starts at midnight on July 15, 2015 and deals are posted as often as every ten minutes throughout the day.


Amazon welcomes you to sign up for the 30 day trial

 and cancel your membership!

I tried my membership out before I bought into it so why shouldn't you?!  When you sign up you will get immediate access to the Prime membership benefits.  

Expect to see a lot of tech and game deals, but Amazon assures us that there will be something for everyone which will include items for summer adventures, family road trips, back to school supplies and everyday essentials.  

Just like Black Friday you'll want to 
mark you calendar and set your budget for Prime Day.
Happy shopping!  

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

This Is A Test

As the title says, This Is A Test of my using the web site http://coverr.co/.  You can connect with the site too and get free videos to use on your site.  Email address is required to receive weekly updates.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Valhalla Ranch, Matt and Kristen

With Independence Day arriving my thoughts have been with Matt Littrell of The Long Trail Home. I still follow The Long Trail Home facebook page and keep up with Matt an his new wife, Kristen through social media. Matt and Kristen have been quite busy since they settled in their new home.

Horse Nation published a nice article in December of 2014 about Matt's journey.  
It will bring you up to date.  

Recognizing that the VA is backlogged and not properly staffed Matt started Valhalla Ranch as a retreat for veterans.  This retreat is everything dreams are made of including beautiful sunsets.  

Kristen established a gofundme page for Valhalla Ranch to help raise money to complete the ranch. Your donation would be greatly appreciated.  

If you find that you're questioning about donating directly to benefit Valhalla Ranch, please donate to the Semper Fi Fund.  Our veterans need our help to regain their independence.

Thank you.

Personal note: I first learned of Matt's mission in May of 2014.  
I just shake my head when I think of learning about him because I 
do not want to admit that I was the fool, but I was.
Seriously, I watch Cops but always know the answer 
before the criminal says a word!
(Reference my blog blog of August 2014.)
 In Matt's case, I am sure that if he had made the 
slightest wrong move I would have caught it.
I will forever call attention to the fact that
Matt Littrell continually exceeds my expectations.
I could not be more proud of the fact that 
Mr. and Mrs. Littrell are continue to focus on 
their mission to help veterans.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Amazon Is Getting Things Done

Amazon is now offering Home Service in major cities throughout the country!  This is an exciting opportunity for contractors to offer their professional services to customers.

You can apply to be a pro with Amazon but do keep in mind that their web site states that they "only invite pros who have a strong track record of service and quality".  
Let's face it, Amazon guarantees the work so they are not interested in
 offering services that will leave their customer unhappy.
Amazon also requires all pros to maintain necessary insurance and trade licenses.

I can see a lot of possibilities for small businesses to connect with larger companies and
construction companies to find excellent, skilled workers as sub-contractors. 
Win, win opportunities are the best!

You can apply to Amazon Home Services here.  
There are no up-front costs and no lead fees.
Since the professional services are only offered by invitation you can be sure 
you are competing with top-rated professionals in your area.    

Thursday, June 25, 2015

My Two Cents About The Confederate Flag

I'm tired of hearing about the Confederate flag controversy.  

I'm not sure how the lives of nine people that were killed in cold blood on American soil are now the second news story of each broadcast but those lives were and are way more important than the Confederate flag stories.

When my husband and I moved to Georgia from New England I was surprised to see the Confederate flag as frequently as I did.  At the time the Union Jack was even incorporated into the state flag but that changed through a vote that was held and in 2003 a new, modern representation of the Stars and Bars officially became the state flag.

It was a very civilized vote and 73% of the voting population thought that the state needed to update how they were perceived by other parts of the country.  I recall that I asked the neighborhood children what they thought about the Confederate flag being used in their state flag.  They shrugged their shoulders.

The Confederate battle flag was just that.  A battle flag of General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.  Until tonight I didn't know that the NAACP had an economic boycott on the state of South Carolina.  Nor did I know that the states of Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and South Carolina have laws that ban the desecration of the Confederate flag.

I keep hearing about the racism that the flag represents.  I'm not convinced of that.  I think young people are quick to use it as a statement of rebellion.  Shouldn't be a shock to any of us that young people haven't done their homework and just like the idea of giving a rebel yell.  My favorite is when the young man has his rebel flag displayed in the $50K truck that his parents bought for him.

The community of Charleston, SC has experienced at horrible hate crime.  I have been thoroughly impressed by the dignity and grace the families that have experienced great loss have shown.  

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Deputy sits in hot car for 25 minutes!

I am awed by the impression that this video made on me. The heat really gets to me so it's personal. I shared the video on the GHC facebook page and it reached record numbers. Yesterday I heard two reports of accidental heat stress reports. It wasn't even summer.

Today, June 21, 2015 is the first day of summer.

I commend Georgia's Forsyth County Sheriff's Office for allowing Officer Regan to take the time (and the risk) to create this video that gives a live report of what happens when a living being is left in an unattended vehicle.

Please remember to practice safety at all times and always check the seating and storage areas of your vehicle before leaving it unattended.
Please share.  

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Update, What I Am Doing

Next week will officially be 4½ year anniversary of Georgianna Hardware Corporation. This means that once again I have been re-evaluating the procedures, processes and profits.

We'll call this the 3 P's for lack of a better term!

The first two P's have again been tweaked. My work procedures result in my keeping late hours. I doubt I'll change that but I am in process of adjusting my schedule to have more time to dedicate to GHC. 

The processes make me click where I should not click just so you aren't led astray. Sometimes it means I find something that you may have missed. I click because I know you don't have time to click and recover from that long, drawn out process. Those erroneous clicks really eat up the time! They don't make your IT people want to have lunch with you either. My computer locks up on a regular basis and I get stuck in a lot of loops but I don't share those so you don't experience that.

I finally had to review the profits. I don't like to review the profits, don't like to write about the profits and I have to adjust my thinking to force myself to consider the topic. Notice how I changed up the wording and referred to 'the topic'?

The profits from GHC quite simply are terrible. It has taken me a day to pull myself together to write about the topic of GHC profits! It's discouraging but I understand. My goal is to help you by serving as a virtual assistant that you have no obligation to. Whether it is to provide leads, news, advertising or employment opportunities I don't expect anything in return. We started GHC to help others and I remain true to that. I will be writing a blog some time in the next few days to expand on my thoughts about the GHC profit and loss report. 

The biggest problem I have is that this habit of mine has gotten somewhat out of control. I have had a 16 percent increase in followers in the last three months. This means that I have about 0.12 minutes of personal attention to give to each and every one of you! It's less than that because I didn't subtract any hours for sleep when I ran the numbers but don't worry, I do get my sleep. I am sure I have been filling my hours. Groups, forums, emails, text messages, social networks, snail mail and attending training sessions continue to consume my days but now at an increased level. Maybe you don't miss me and maybe you don't miss my blogs but I'm still around and I'm keeping out of trouble thanks to all of you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Dr Heidi Kraft on Combat Operational Stress & PTSD

The 22 minutes it takes to watch this video can lead to greater understanding

of Post Traumatic Stress.  Please share to help others.  Thank you!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tuesday Is My Busy Day

I have always tried to have a productive Tuesday.  Monday arrives and it's the official recovery from the weekend but Tuesday sets the tone for the remainder of the week so I push to make it productive.

Today was fairly productive because I was able to attend a meeting, get some filing done, make a few phone calls, process some paperwork and update the Veterans page  on my web site!

All in all I am sure that I wasted too much time watching the news updates about the riots in Baltimore.  It is sad to see that we are living in the twenty-first century and so many people are still angry about things that should have been resolved many years ago. I pray that we can live in harmony with one another and our streets remain peaceful.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Kitty's Continuing Saga Comes To An End

A friend of mine reminded me to wait and that's what I did about Kitty.  The cute, little cat hung around and I waited.  It rained, I waited.  She scratched at the front door and I waited.  I posted her picture on a few social media sites and I waited.  Finally, I had a response from somebody down the road that said though she is extremely social, Kitty does belong at their house and has been there every day that I have posted about her!

What a smart cat!  She's getting food from me and then goes home to get more.  My cat, Prince has not rested properly in all of that time but he's feeling very proud of himself because he's in the house and does not have to share his food, nor people.  

As uneventful as it is, all's well that ends well.  Though I had been concerned about Kitty she is perfectly happy visiting and I am glad that Prince is so please with himself for maintaining his domain.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Having Mixed Feelings

Once again I fed the stray cat, Kitty.  It has almost become routine and I haven't had to look too hard to have a sighting.  All in all having Kitty around has been a fun experience until tonight.

Tonight, Kitty came to the window and started the usual ruckus with my cat and dog.  I'm getting much better at getting things settled so it wasn't a big deal.  I went out onto the porch to check the food that was available but gosh, it was windy and I could tell the weather was taking a turn for the worse.  I came back inside and consulted with the family.  

I explained the situation.  It was only 54F, the wind was blowing and it felt like rain. They gave me the look. You're familiar with it, aren't you?  Okay, stop laughing at me.  I went and got a box and a spare blanket and took it out onto the porch.  

I placed the blanket in the box, moved the food closer to the box and turned around to pick Kitty up to show her the special little Kitty shelter I had created.  I got her in my arms, hugged her and as I went to gently place her into the warm, snugly bed she jumped out of my arms and raced across the porch!  Complete and absolute rejection. I came back in the house.
I went back outside to see what may have happened but there was no Kitty.  Evidence of her returning can be seen in the photo above because there is a wet paw print close to the dish of food.  

I am not sure why there is only one wet paw print.  I guess she ran into a puddle somewhere in the frantic rush to escape her capture.  Now as I write my cat is sleeping in the chair, my dog is resting on the sofa and I'm wondering where the heck Kitty will bed down tonight.  

Please provide a good home to your pets and if your pet needs to be spayed or neutered there are low cost clinics available nationwide.  You can find one through FixIt-Foundation.org.    

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What Will I Do?

Having the stray cat around gives me plenty to do.  I can't walk out of the house without it appearing. I can't pull the car out of the garage without it appearing. Check the mail, it appears.  The next door neighbors congratulated me on acquiring the cute cat but since they each have a cat living under their porch they aren't much interested in mine.  I named the cat Kitty.

My own cat, Prince has accepted the fact that I am feeding Kitty but he is absolutely worn out by the end of the day.  He never gets a moment of peace.
It's no wonder that Prince gets tired.  He spends hours making sure that Kitty doesn't open the door to come in and I can only think that I pity the fool that might decide to open that door!  

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Caught In The Act

You really didn't expect me to ignore the stray cat today, did you?

I was still feeling under the weather today but decided to check up on the cat.  I went out the front door to the porch, looked to the left and to the right, no cat.  I walked to the right side of the porch but no cat.  I walked to the opposite side of the porch and checked on my plants, no cat.

I had already decided that this "porch cat" needed to eat more so I had taken a cup of dry food with me just in case but there was no cat!  Strays come and go.  This isn't the first that has shown up at my house.  I have fond memories of many so my feelings weren't hurt.  I noticed the little bowl that had been left outside yesterday, deftly dumped the cup of food in and came back in the house.

As I closed the door my cat lunged toward the window.  The stray was already on the porch!
As you can see from the photo above, my cat was not happy.  He fussed and whined while the dog carried on so I reassured them both of my love for them with bacon.  It's amazing how bacon can defuse a combative situation!  
Kitty did not get bacon but she did seem to be pleased to have scored on a free, effortless meal.  I can only hope that ham will have the same results tomorrow.  

Monday, April 13, 2015

You Got A Break!

You probably didn't even know it but you got a break!  I've been out of commission with a stupid allergy attack which means I haven't felt like doing much of anything.  Lucky you!

I have been taking my cheap, over the counter meds and I catch a few minutes of feeling okay but I'm a light-weight and struggle to stay awake.

Typical of myself, I didn't even have to leave the porch to get into trouble.  A new cat showed up when I went outside and the little cat doesn't want to leave.  This isn't its first appearance at my house but it is the first time it actually talked to me. This cat weighs about six pounds and it is feisty as can be!  I allowed it visitation with my 22 pound cat and my 48 pound dog at the window.  It became aggressive toward both without either of them doing anything other than peering out the window!
I know, I know.  I am stuck with this cat.  I thought I should give it a blanket but then I reminded myself that it was over 65f.  I ignored it last week and it moved to my neighbor's house but I'm guessing that their dog and two cats weren't very welcoming. Cat logic forced it back to my house.

Human logic tells me that I don't need to become a cat lady but the shelter doesn't have any place better for it than my porch. Since it had a collar maybe somebody will come along and claim it and I will be hoping for nice weather so maybe somebody will post a sign about their lost cat.

Another break for you!  The cat is at my house!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Chu's Packaging Supplies

Some time during the last few weeks my news feed changed and I missed the update that Chu's Packaging Supplies made to their web site.

They still have the really nice custom printed tape but they have added a few new products to their line.  I especially like the Tamper Evident Security Tape.

Chu's Packaging also has tape for construction purposes.  They supply drywall tape, asbestos warning tape and caution tape.

If you're moving, Chu's Packaging has moving pads and dollies.

Safety is not overlooked by Chu's Packaging Supplies.  Whatever service industry that you are in that requires coveralls, lab coats, aprons or shoe covers Chu's Packaging has those available too.

For over 25 years Chu's Packaging Supplies  has served their customers.  You will be happy to do business with them.

Comparison of Strong Words to Soft Words

I have been attending a few classes and I noticed that the instructors have a desire for me to have a presence. I like to have control and give others control, not sit around and wait to see what emerges. The instructor starts using the soft words and my immediate thought is that I care about authoring the facts so that others can achieve their objective but these people are telling me that I should be a character with feelings. I want the facts that I inform you of to be useful whereas they want me to share feelings that will inspire you to have desire.

The instructors are right. There is no commitment so there is no certainty and they will not be wrong. I want to hear that something or someone will and the instructor tells me it should. Below is a list of words I compiled.
                                                Strong              Soft
control             emerge
care               enable
author           character
facts               feelings
distance         presence
objective          immersive
inform                inspire
useful              desirable
normal              absurd

The problem is my word list came from medical training and they are words that we can use to help the patient during their recovery. I wonder why we are all being treated as if we are patients? I'm not a patient. I feel normal.

Monday, April 6, 2015

My Social Media Confession

My dad always told me that I made things more difficult than they had to be.  He was right and once more I can see that.

I currently do not have a opt-in page to create the email list that I should have created from day one for Georgianna Hardware and I do not have a "Lead Page".  I dislike email and sales lead pages so much that I do not want to share misery like that with anyone that follows GHC.  

Email is a problem for me because I like to read and I 
have opted in to receive so many emails that it is not
unusual for me to receive over 400 emails every day.

Dad was absolutely right.  I make it all more difficult because I am stubborn. 

I am not suggesting that you do not have email opt-ins, nor am I suggesting that you do not have a sales lead page.  When these things are set up properly they are wonderful assets!  

I would appreciate it if you would recommend my blog through the G+ button at the upper left or use one of the buttons at the left to be notified of new posts or just connect with GHC through Google. 
It almost seems too simple.  I started GHC four years ago believing that social media would work to the advantage of business and in this case, I believe I was right.  Dad would be proud but I still don't want to pester everyone with emails.  That's what I do!  I opt-in so my social contacts don't have to.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Creative Internet Marketing

I have been writing about various aspects of internet marketing for a while.  It's just been my guess that everybody could use a an extra idea or two when it come to venturing into unknown waters.  
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of meeting Jill Lampi and attended a webinar that she held explaining LinkedIn.  Shortly after we started Georgianna Hardware a friend of mine suggested that I register with LinkedIn but facebook, Twitter and G+ received a lot more attention.  When I saw Jill's webinar I decided rather than ignore LinkedIn I should learn more about it.  Jill made the process easy!
Jill Lampi is a Creative Internet Marketing Professional that assists entrepreneurs, coaches, artists and experts in all types of industries in developing and implementing complete Internet Marketing plans that embrace the power of the Internet as a learning and sharing tool.  Personally, I believe that her professional approach to internet marketing makes her a force to be reckoned with.  
Jill Lampi is offering a free webinar on April 7, 2014.  I know I told you before but this is your reminder!  Jill's webinar training shares great information about Facebook Advertising whether you've ever run an ad or not. Newbies are  welcome!  During this webinar, you'll learn: How Facebook Remarketing can boost your current marketing campaigns
, how to activate your own remarketing pixel
 and strategies you can implement with your first Facebook ad campaign
What is remarketing?  The answer from Jill's web site is:
  Have you ever gone to Amazon.com and searched for a book or product you were interested in, then noticed  when you went back to Facebook that that VERY product or book is now part of your advertising feed?  That’s Remarketing.
I suggest that you make the time to attend the webinar on April 7,2015 at  9 AM PST / 11 AM CST / 5 PM CET.  I assure you it will be a great investment of your time.

Friday, April 3, 2015

The Long Trail Home Leads To Valhalla Ranch

Matt Littrell of The Long Trail Home has been on my mind.  He is now working to construct Valhalla Ranch, a small sanctuary for veterans that are affected by PTSD.  You know how I feel about that term but Matt doesn't care because he knows that post traumatic stress is a problem and he wants to help other veterans grow beyond it.

The other day I told somebody that they needed to get MADD to correct a problem they were having and that's exactly what Matt did.  He got MADD when one of his friends took their own life.  I didn't advise Matt to get MADD but that's what he did, he made a damn decision and started to work on Valhalla Ranch.  Good for you, Mr. Littrell!

I'm assuming that this was quite a shock to Matt's soon to be wife, Kristen.  Sure, Kristen was fine with supporting Matt in his dream of building a ranch where veterans could visit to clear the cobwebs from their mind, but the shock and pain pushed him beyond his having a dream and he started to work to turn his dream in to a reality.  Not an easy job for a young couple, but they have a mission.

Matt and Kristen could use your help.  Kristen has set up a gofundme page for Valhalla Ranch and it would be great if you would donate.  Seriously, they're needing 30K for this mission.  You're supporting the construction of bunk houses and fencing for the horses that Matt and Kristen have trained.

Thirty-thousand dollars and yet we sit around and say, "What's wrong with the younger generation?" Maybe the answer is that we have isolated ourselves so much that we won't believe in anybody from the younger generation.

C'mon, Matt set out to cross the United States on horseback and he did. Need more proof? Okay, it's on Kristen's shoulders.  She believed in his mission, stuck with him on The Long Trail Home and is training the horses that will be used on the ranch.  I guess she does some of that domestic dolly junk like cooking and cleaning too because it appears to me from the pictures she posts that there isn't a pizza shop very close to the ranch.  You can follow them on Twitter at MK Horsemanship or keep up with Matt and Kristen on facebook to watch their progress.

Most importantly, please donate to Valhalla Ranch through the gofundme page.  It's about freedom from miserable memories.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Social Media Tip

I do not claim to be the best person at using social media.  If you only heard the criticism that I receive on a daily basis you would probably laugh at me too!  I have to give it to people though because there is nothing that I love more than a good laugh but sometimes I would rather not be the brunt of the joke. Better me than you.  I was very young when I learned that if you can't take it, don't dish it out.  I love to dish it out!

One of my jobs today was to research keywords.  I haven't been hit with the comments yet on this but I did find this nice, free keyword tool.  I haven't run experiments with it and I doubt that I will use the 750 words that they offered but I still feel strong about social media being on the rise and I don't think it will hurt to get more creative when you are making posts.  Mind you, I don't pay for the service offered and I cannot say that I endorse it.  I was amazed that there are over 750 terms to use to promote construction.

On a side note, it appears that the "Labels" or keywords for this blog are limited to 200 characters. Darn it! I only had about forty more words to enter.

Just wanted to get this out there for you so that you can try it out for yourself.

I Am Working On This

I keep taking on more and more and I feel awful that I can not give each one of you the attention you deserve.  This hit me last week when my web site actually posted a link to Balboa Capital. Talk about synergy!  Balboa Capital handles equipment leasing for all industries, including oil, gas and mining. They process small business loans too.  Google sure knows what they are doing!

I figured it out that I can dedicate 72 seconds per day to each of you.  Well, that's not going to give me any time to sleep and I probably won't get much of an opportunity to buy groceries but that's how my time would need to be scheduled.

I decided that I needed to simplify my contact information and have started to add this to my web site.  It's slow going because I never thought GHC would have so many contacts.  My mistake. Problem is that I realized I dislike filing.  I found a free rolodex to download and have piled all of my files on my desk so that I could once again go through each and every one of them.

Oh, and last week I reduced the number of people that I follow on Twitter.  I feel bad that I had to unfollow a few of the young artists that I had been following but seeing as a few of them have actually turned their dreams into a reality I doubt they are too worried about me.  

Lastly, GHC is legal for another year.  I filed the annual registration with the state so all systems are a go.  I am proud and happy to say that GHC will be around for another year!  


Thursday, March 19, 2015

I Have Been So Wrong

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT;  I had this thought in my mind that we were very much alike and it was all about the solidarity but today I learned it isn't like that.  You can't imagine how hurtful it was for me to discover that only 2.86% of my blog readers like food AND drinks.

For your information, I like food and drinks and cookies are a favorite!  I encourage the other 97.14% of my readers to join the minority and say yes to food and drink in moderation.  :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Grocery Store Fuel Points

Since I buy groceries and put gas in my car I use the fuel points offered from Kroger.  I usually get at least ten cents off of each gallon of gasoline that I buy.  I have even received thirty cents off!  Today my gas cost $2.14 per gallon.  Anything lower than the posted price helps make my day better but I've noticed a pattern recently.

My husband and son don't get the same satisfaction from using the fuel points as I do so I asked.

Me:  What's the big deal with using the fuel points here?
Son:  It's a huge hassle and doesn't save you that much money.
Me:  Swiping a card is a huge hassle?
Son:  It doesn't always scan properly.
Me:  But you save money.
Son:  It's a hassle.

I guess I was raised in a different time.  A penny saved is a penny earned time.  

Anyway, a friend pointed out to me that I get double fuel points if I purchase a gift card at Kroger.  I took her advice and that's probably how I got thirty cents off of each gallon of gas last month!

So I'm doing what everybody tells me is wrong to do because I won't make a penny by telling you about my experience and that's just too bad for them.  

Buying gift cards at Kroger can be a nice way to save money.  I've never been one to give gift cards as a gift but I've started to buy them when I buy my groceries.  Not for profit organizations are pleased to receive them and I wouldn't mind receiving one from the son this Mother's Day, even though it would probably be a hassle for him.

Note to son:  Gas prices have been a hassle as long as I can remember.
My mom wasn't happy when it hit $1 per gallon just as
 my grandfather wasn't pleased when it was thirty cents!  

Friday, March 13, 2015

Facebook Changes Again

Facebook is giving business users more accurate reports and they chose to do so by eliminating "likes" given by users that are inactive.  This is supposed to improve reports and should give up-to-date insights on the people who follow a business page.

I'm thinking this will only make it easier for facebook to sell their targeted marketing because they will have more specifics as to what users are interested in and you will notice an increase in the cost to advertise.

In the case of Georgianna Hardware Corporation, all businesses that "liked" the GHC page were deleted.  I did not see a decrease in my business page "likes" because businesses that "liked" the page were never reported in the total number of page "likes" visible to visitors but I did notice that my news feed was greatly reduced.

As for correcting this problem it seems only a human can "like" a page.  Mr. Z made some comment about names needing to be connected, not businesses.  I did have the thought of a few of my past rants about accountability but I squashed it like a bug when it turned into a current event issue! Anyway, I haven't found a way around their new policy.

If I find any way we can get around having every business under our personal account I will let you know.  In the mean time, Toyota Lift of Minnesota published The #FBLT Facebook B2B Listing 700+ Strong on February 25, 2012.  It's always a good reference. You are welcome to join the FBLT on Google+ community.  Considering the Google-Twitter partnership made recently your business should be taking a close look at their social networking strategy.  
~Kara Miller 

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Arrowhead Systems, Inc., Conveyor and Production Solutions

Arrowhead Systems, Inc. is an industry leader in providing conveyor, packaging machinery and line productivity solutions to customers in the food, beverage, personal care, container manufacturing, household products, pharmaceutical and many other industry sectors. The companies of Arrowhead Systems have a rich history of innovation and quality that extends back over 60 years.

Products in the Arrowhead Systems family include conveyor lines and material handling solutions from Arrowhead Conveyor, Busse/SJI Bulk Palletizers and Depalletizers, Busse/SJI Warmers, Coolers and Pasteurizers, Priority One conventional and robotic Case Palletizers and NeXtconveyor Sanitary Conveyor Systems.

Please visit Arrowhead Systems, Inc. online.  You can follow them on Twitter @ArrowheadSystem and "Like" their facebook page via this link 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Social Media

Our world is ever changing.  
Suddenly social media is something that everybody is interested in. 
Question is, how do you get your small business exposure?

I can guarantee that there are a thousand people out there that will help you with social media for your business.  I can not quote you prices but it is not unusual to spend a thousand dollars a month for the support needed for a small business. Consider $250 per hour, four hours a month.

That isn't too bad when you know that magazine advertising runs between $500 - $20,000.

I participate in facebookGoogle+,  Linkedin,  Pinterest and Twitter and spend at least four hours a day fooling around on each site using my desktop, laptop, tablet and phone to keep in contact with my followers.  My other hours are spent helping construction and manufacturing companies establish B2B contacts and acquire great leads.

As for your business, I suggest that you start using the social media outlets that are available.

Create links on your website to companies that you find helpful.  They are called backlinks and they gain page rank for your website in search engines. You're welcome to use http://www.georgiannahardwarecorporation.com/ as a start.  I'm a real human and search engines seem to have started to recognize me as one.  You can buy backlinks but I'm still on the fence about that.

Social media can be a huge benefit to all businesses.
There is a lot of best practices but I revert back to 1988 and say
Just do it!  
Florida Polytechnica
Photo courtesy Blogphoto.tv/

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Safety First!

Armed with a fire extinguisher, a person can often extinguish or contain a fire before it becomes a major blaze.  To effectively fight a fire, an individual must be prepared with the right type of extinguisher and have it readily available.
 Extinguishers are rated for the type of fire they are made to extinguish.
  • A - Ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, hay, etc.
  • B - Flammable liquids such as gas, oil, grease and other petroleum products.
  • C - Electrical fires.
As this listing shows, an ABC type extinguisher is capable of extinguishing most fires.

Amazon currently has a handy extinguisher on sale.  Please practice safety at work and home.

Friday, February 20, 2015

It's Cold!

I have been complaining all day about the cold.  I moved south to Georgia because I know that I do not function well in cold temperatures and as I prepare this post it is 10 degrees Fahrenheit.  I have no right to complain because I am fortunate to have electricity and there are many that do not have that luxury tonight.

When I went to the store today the associates apologized that they didn't have anything left in the store that might help anybody stay warm.  People are layering their clothes and adding more blankets to their beds.  After I got home I started to goof around with my web site.  The "End of Season" markdowns are happening now!  You can order a space heater at a reduced price through this link.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


You know me! I am sure you would have expected me to appreciate a company like ACT Group of Cromwell, Connecticut.  ACT Group has office equipment such as printers, scanners and projectors which you know I am partial to but they also offer managed print services. You know this would have sold me on ACT Group but they went above and beyond and also offer #3D printing!

ACT Group makes the 3D process easy. They have design software and scanning tools that let you edit your designs easily and you can make your prototype however you'd prefer. They also have a store with 3D printers and all of the supplies you'll need to print whatever you desire, be it for home use or your professional needs.

I'm sold and you will be to. Visit them on the web at Go ACT Group or you can connect with them on facebook at facebook.com/ ACTGroupCT.  If you're in a hurry they would be happy to have you call them at 800-632-9294.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This afternoon it was announced that Royal Jordanian Air Force pilot
Moath al-Kasasbeh was murdered by ISIS. My heart wrenched knowing that just three days ago ISIS had beheaded journalist Kenji Goto of Japan. I feel for the reporters that are telling me of this news and I am frustrated to see the response from the President of The United States.

Moath al-Kasasbeh was one of eight children. He was Muslim, 27 years old and was reported as being a devout Muslim who memorized the Quran. I do not see that anything on this list is reason for murder.

After the announcement of Moath al-Kasasbeh's death the president made a brief comment and once again used the word “ideology”.  We do not use that word in my home. Ideology is not a reason for uncivilized behavior.

So I got to thinking about ideology. Ideology is a principle, a view, an idea, a philosophy. To me it is a soft word that should be used to describe literature and films. My next thought was Marxism. That's not a big deal, it's just a theory but I instantly think of communism. Communism is the implementation of Marxism. To me that's a really big deal!

When my children were toddlers I had rules. No hitting, no pinching, no biting, no kicking, no pulling hair. That was my ideology. NEVER! Not even once did I say to them, “I will not support that ideology.” No. I played judge and jury and removed the violator from the scene. As a parent I took control of the situation at hand. I told them that they needed to be nice and follow the rules. Bad behavior meant there was punishment and I didn't cover up their poor behavior with soft words.

From what I see on television most ISIS members are fairly young. I've noticed they don't like it when somebody says something not nice about them but somebody is the ring leader. They are not supporting a duty to Islam and even though it is not permitted in Jihad, ISIS is harming innocent civilians. It's no shock that they would break the rules but with all of the bureaucratic nonsense and soft words the world is literally letting these young people get away with murder.