Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Preparing for the Months Ahead

Last I wrote I told you that I was sick.  I'm glad to say that I am some better, but officially I am on light duty.  Thank you for your concern.

I'm thrilled that my associates took time to prepare a video for us.  The video is of a Shop-Vac product that is made in Pennsylvania.  I bought the Shop-Vac that is featured in the video for use in the basement.  After visiting the web site http://www.shopvac.com/ I am reconsidering my purchase.  My Shop-Vac is great, but I bought it for a specific purpose and might have had a multi-use tool for the lawn as well.  Or, I'm thinking that I if I had kept it out of the basement I could have had a really neat vacuum for the house. 

With all of my vac thoughts, I'm remembering that Father's Day will be June 19, 2011.  Maybe I could intercept the gift and get a new vacuum out of the deal!  Either way, I am sure that I am going to look more closely at Shop-Vac products.  Please do take a few minutes to view the new video.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's a tough day.

Last week my associates were sick and this week I am sick.  It's tough being the operator of a one man band.  There isn't anybody to replace you if you should call in sick.  Actually, when I called I had to leave a message for myself!

This Blog was never intended to be my political forum.   Political debate is something that I immediately refer to my good friend, Neil.  He's the political go-to guy, not me.  But the President paid a visit to me in my living room when I sat down for a rest this afternoon.  I was (and still am) shocked.  He told me that, "We have to live within our means..."  I was confused.  I thought it was fairly evident that I did live within my means.  I guess I shouldn't assume that they miss seeing me at the gym.  Kick a guy when he's down, why don't you?

Since I'm ill, I have decided to start thinking about living within my means tomorrow.  I really wanted to upload the gardening book for everybody and update the web site, but I need to review my household spending. 

Even without the updates, please do visit.  We've been improving the site regularly.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sticky situation

Cellophane tape is pretty neat. You can use it to coax climbing plants to follow their trellis, wrap it sticky side out around a paper towel to pick up glass slivers, or even patch a hole in a screen. Today I found myself in need of cellophane tape because I know I'll be wrapping a present or two very soon. I was at the store and actually remembered to look for the tape.

The display rack that was there had a number of different dispensers with different lengths, widths, and brands. I had already done the math to figure the cost per square inch for three of the offered products when I glanced down the aisle to an seemingly endless row. Then I remembered reading that if we Americans spent $3.33 on American made products it could create about 10,000 jobs in our country.

I dropped my "Sensible Shopper hat" on the floor and picked up the tape that read, “Made in America.” I don't know how it is in your house, but I know with birthdays alone I can hold up my end of that bargain.

Please visit our web site to find more products that are made in America.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spring fever

The cat and I have Spring Fever.  We were actually able to get out in the yard today and start preparing the gardens for summer.  (Yes, my Northern friends, winter will end.) 
When I came inside I started to think about getting the Blog written and it almost didn't get done at all.  Instead of writing anything I decided to look for some American made toys. A few weeks ago when I was researching American made items I had run across toys from Melissa and Doug.   When I first saw their toys I was not too impressed, but then I started to take note of the prices.  I could find a decent little toy for under ten dollars for a young child.  That's not easy to do any more. 
I remember taking my children to the local dollar stores, sometimes the 99 cent store, and somehow the children were always able turn my kindness of giving them a dollar into a twenty dollar loss for me.  It was supposed to be an educational experience ~ and I guess I eventually learned.  Melissa and Doug were just starting up when my children were at the age most of their toys are geared for, but I took a much closer look tonight at their products and I'm pretty sure the cat is going to enjoy his new bughouse.  
Read the story of Melissa and Doug at http://www.melissaanddoug.com/about.phtml and visit our toy department at Toy Sale.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I'd like to confess. I have been grounded from going to the local hardware store. I told everyone that works there that they shouldn't say things like, “Hey! How'd that go yesterday?” because it will blow my cover, but they get me in trouble every time.

I just love hardware stores and I am fortunate that there are two hardware stores in my town. Both sell candy, but quite often I find myself getting in the car and going to the one on the far side of town. While I was setting up my online hardware store I wondered what made me drive across town. It's a nice drive, but it takes more time to get there which means more gas is used. The people are nice at both of the stores and I can't say I prefer one to the other, but the products are different. The store farther away offers more American made products. That's always be important to me.

I hope that you will take the time to visit the store on the far side of town too, but if you don't have that choice the 'Lawn and Garden' section of our web store has been updated with more American made tools. For those of you that have the need, there's a manure fork on page four.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hit with a terrible storm

Yesterday my community was hit with a terrible storm. A non-profit, Build an Ark Animal Rescue, was one of many that were harmed.  Our prayers are with all of the families that suffered losses. 


Monday, April 4, 2011

Good news about America

There is good news again about America!  We were able to find some nice women's t-shirts that are made in America.  It's not in the budget nor the schedule to buy and test every single one of the t-shirts, but they are able to be found and they are good quality too.  It's refreshing to see the label that reads, "Made in U.S.A.". 

Yes, the print is rather small, but I think it is because we Americans don't tend to be showy.  Take a look at our store to see the nice t-shirts that we found.  Georgianna Hardware Corporation

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Because I know not all of you use Gmail

This has to be one of the best ideas ever.  Microsoft thought they had it going on with the Kinect, but Gmail has something that we can all use.  Google is nothing but cutting edge.  


Friday, April 1, 2011

First week of the American Dream

Wrapping up the first week of living the American Dream and I am excited to take on next week.

I jumped into this business because I wanted to remind people how great America is and promote American made products.  The only thing that has happened is you have confirmed that I was right.  Gosh, each of you that I have been in contact with have been inspiring and you have all been supportive. 

Keep on, folks.  We're getting the word out there!  I had hoped we'd reach ten people with the, "buy American" message and we're closer to one-hundred.   

I'm well aware that I have very few friends that get excited when I bring up the topic of economics, but now it's simple.  Buy American and we create more jobs.  When you're out shopping this weekend, please pay attention to the labels.   Oh, and as a little thank you, the web site has been updated with more deals and freebies.  

Please visit us at www.Georgiannahardwarecorporation.com