I figured it out that I can dedicate 72 seconds per day to each of you. Well, that's not going to give me any time to sleep and I probably won't get much of an opportunity to buy groceries but that's how my time would need to be scheduled.
I decided that I needed to simplify my contact information and have started to add this to my web site. It's slow going because I never thought GHC would have so many contacts. My mistake. Problem is that I realized I dislike filing. I found a free rolodex to download and have piled all of my files on my desk so that I could once again go through each and every one of them.
Oh, and last week I reduced the number of people that I follow on Twitter. I feel bad that I had to unfollow a few of the young artists that I had been following but seeing as a few of them have actually turned their dreams into a reality I doubt they are too worried about me.
Lastly, GHC is legal for another year. I filed the annual registration with the state so all systems are a go. I am proud and happy to say that GHC will be around for another year!
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