Tuesday, December 8, 2015


I feel as if I have going full speed since Thanksgiving.

I'm sure that this is nothing more than the year-end hustle that it appears everybody is caught up in so I stopped to take a breather.

When I was a child my mother worked as a wedding coordinator and I was allowed to quietly tag along. The one thing that I took away from that experience was, as long as the bride and groom show up the wedding will take place.

Mom always had a backup plan for everything. If the preacher fell ill, she had a notary on call. If the wedding dress got torn, she had a seamstress at the ready. If the cake shifted in transport, her staff could rework the cake so that it was beautifully presented to the guests.

I guess mom applied the 5P Theory to her job as a coordinator. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

As a contractor that offers services, you are part of the plan. Amazon can help your business be discovered and Amazon can also handle payment processing. By using their services you can focus on doing what you do best, delivering great service and growing your business.

I am not going to tell you that contractors have not seen the downside of Amazon Home Services. First and foremost, Amazon is the middleman. As a contractor you need to have excellent communication skills to coordinate projects with your clients but, you probably know that. Amazon Home Service contractors must be certified, licensed, and insured. Remember the 5P theory!

From my perspective, I think it's fine that my IT guy is willing to shovel snow for $99 per hour. I'm okay with that because I just need the help. Amazon has already done the background check so I feel more at ease.

In this hurry up and hustle world that we live in, people are willing to outsource the work that they don't have time or the heart for. I would be willing to shovel my driveway except for the fact that it will take time away from my already overloaded schedule.

Applying the 5P theory means that I need to be scheduling for the upcoming weeks and months. Apply to Selling Services on Amazon here to begin planning for 2016.

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