Friday, September 27, 2013

Health Care Update 2

As an update to our blog published yesterday, we would like to share the sites available that will allow you to consider what health care coverage will be available to you.

 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation has a free online calculator that is easy to use and the site also offers a brief explanation of changes that are made with the Affordable Care Act.  Don't be surprised with the term, "subsidy" being used.

The government web site that you can use is which connects you to the "Marketplace". This site is still not completely up and running but unless our officials leave us hanging it should be operational by October 1, 2013.

Open enrollment begins October 1, 2013; Coverage begins January 1, 2014; Open enrollment closes March 31, 2014.  Remember, everybody needs to be enrolled in a health care program and if not, they will be responsible for all medical expenses and pay a fee.  You can learn more about responsibilities and fees at

We would like to be able to provide finalized information to you but political officials are still debating the Affordable Care Act.  This is not anything to be ignored.  Your health and well being are at stake.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Health Care Update

There has been a lot of talk about health care so we started to look into the new health care options that are available.  Sad news.  We need to wait until October 1, 2013 to actually read about the available options. The good news is that coverage can start as soon as January 1, 2014.

Whichever state you live in, you will be able to compare your health insurance options in the Marketplace.

We took a look at the "Marketplace" and were not able to squeeze any information out of the site.  We fell into a little loop and lost interest.  You can visit the site at

The official countdown is listed as 6 days.  We can enroll on October 1, 2013; coverage begins January 1, 2014; open enrollment ends closes March 31, 2014.

The new health care law offers new rights and protections that make coverage easier to understand.  Well, that's what I read on the site but I am confused.

It seems that our political leaders have once again practiced brinkmanship and are putting the cart before the horse.  Good job, political officials.  This is our health and well being.  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, you might just be out of a job and will be if we have anything to do with it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Need A Job

It's hard for us to believe, but even after all of these years there are folks that are still in need of a job.  We have been talking about jobs since we started GHC and it's difficult tell you a total number of people we have been able to help.  Actually, each of those individuals did it on their own! We're only here to offer the helping hand.

There's good news for folks looking for a job.  The jobs are out there!  We've been helping a few friends from different locations in the country seek employment and we're surprised at the availability of jobs.

While helping our friends, we did notice key things you should note:  If you're still searching, don't expect to readily find a full time job.  With Obamacare in the works larger companies are finding it difficult to offer full time employment to individuals.  The flexibility of your schedule will certainly increase your opportunities. We're impressed that businesses are recognizing the need to offer job specific training and not listing extensive requirements of prospective employees.  We had a great deal of success by using to do our research.

If you're feeling discouraged, stop that.  Perhaps it is time to start over.  Our web site has free resume help available and we would be happy to have you visit us online at Georgianna Hardware Corporation.

Happy job hunting!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Remembering Last Week's Work Week

On the eve of the great tragedy at the Navy Yard in Washington, we are remembering the victims. It is a small gesture, but victims are too quickly forgotten and we believe they should always be remembered.

We pray for those who were directly affected and ask that He guides us to peace and love.   

The CNN story below lists the victims.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Messy Desk

Once again, I received an email telling me how to tame my messy desk. It's almost as if the sender had worked with me or is looking over my shoulder! Kind of creepy to me and you can bet I'll be checking under my bed tonight.

As an individual that has stacks of papers everywhere I side with those that claim this is a sign of pure genius. I'm sure you'll agree it's no wonder that few people recognize the symptom of such an uncommon disorder. There are no medications available to correct genius so we that are afflicted by it must suffer.

Anyway, the advice I received today told me to sort my stacks of papers into three labeled stacks; keep, toss, move. I heard my brain's door slam closed. Obviously, I kept it and now I'm moving it. Boom! Two thirds of the job done. I can do this! It's will just take a few minutes!

I suddenly realize that there is help available to those, such as myself, that suffer from this terrible affliction. The final third and the job is done. I straighten the stack of papers knowing that everything that remains is of importance. To the author of the messy desk article: I know you're new to this, but it's redundant to have a stack labeled “toss” since we've been using trash receptacles for years and that paper never would have made it into my stack of papers in the first place if it were trash.

Taming the messy desk is something that you can just forget about. I'm not even sure if the mail has arrived yet but I'm sure there is something that will hang around longer than I desire it to do so. We can read everything ever written but until we take a minute to clear some of that junk off and throw some of it away, we're stuck with the mess. It's simple. What works for me may not be what works for you. If the stacks of stuff are bothering you, do something about it. It will make you feel better.