Monday, August 26, 2013

You Are There, Using Social Networking Websites to Promote Your Business

We've decided to do some blogs that included comments from our
discussions that occurred during the blog writing process.  
We refer to these as our "You are There" blogs!

Though we do not consider ourselves masters of social networking
we do know that we have learned a few things along the way. Our
thoughts are added in italics throughout this article.

The goal of most business owners is to make money. This often results with the selling of a particular product or service. However, to sell that product or service business owners need to alert the general public. Your customer cannot buy a product or a service if they do not know that it exists. That is why, as a business owner, you need to advertise your business.

When it comes to advertising there are many business owners who literally cringe. Are you doing this now? There is a good chance that you are because many advertising methods cost money. As a business owner you want to make money not spend it, right? Unfortunately, if you believe that all forms of advertising take money, you are sadly mistaken. Although you may have to spend money to make your business what you want it to be, there are ways to promote your business and the products or services that you sell without having to spend any money at all.

Perhaps now is the best time to jump in and voice our opinion.
When your company uses the internet to promote products and
services it does cost money! Think payroll, computer, electricity.

Is your curiosity peaked yet? There is a good chance that it is and rightfully so. One of the ways that you can promote your business, without having to spend a dime, is by using something that is readily available online. That thing is an online social networking website. A large number of internet users, in fact millions of them, belong to at least one social networking website.

Our electric bill is more than a dime so the false statement is questionable.
Right.  People need to consider the overall cost of the investment.

When it comes to social networking, there are many individuals who think of online friendships or online relationships. Social networking was first created for business purposes when in 1978 the Bulletin Board System (or BBS) was established. The BBS was hosted on personal computer and required users to dial in through a host computer. In fact, BBS was the original social network.

I have a thought! It's was like ham radio vs. Sirius.

If you are a small business owner, especially one that operates an online business, there is a way that you can use social networking sites to your advantage.

Although social networking websites are traditionally focused on those that would like to make online friends or develop online relationships, there are networking sites that are designed for business owners. These websites will not only allow you to share your business information with other business owners, but it will also allow you to develop close relationships with those that share an interest that is similar to yours. Essentially, this means that you could not only learn valuable business information, but you could also walk away with a new business partner or a new friend.

We looked at both words used in the term “social networking”.
Of the those definitions we most liked, “the exchange of
information or services among individuals”.

As previously mentioned, social networking websites with a focus on businesses, are a great way to promote your business. However, this does not mean that you should completely forget about the other online social networking websites, the ones that are designed to make online friendships. Although you may not learn any valuable business tips by joining Yahoo! Facebook or Google+, you may be able to get new customers and new customers is exactly what your business wants.

If you are looking to join an online community, you will need to create your own profile or profile page. If you are planning on joining a traditional social networking website, to gain access to millions of potential new customers, you are urged to be careful when making your online webpage or profile. One thing that internet users hate is being solicited for business. This does not mean that you cannot use social networking to your advantage; it just means that you need to be careful with how you do it.

Sure you should be careful. We've mentioned this on our web site
in regard to making sure your social networking pages were
non offensive to employers. You also need to be careful that your
personal information is not shared publicly on the business page.

By joining a social networking website, especially one that is popular and has a large number of members, you should be able to generate interest in your business, including the products or services that you sell. Who knows, but that interest generated could turn into sales; thus making your social networking experience more than worth it.

We've noticed that social networking advice almost always
includes something about being human.
It's no surprise that people prefer to interact with
other people rather than a machine.

Junk mail has never been a favorite
so why would junk email be any better?

Social networking is easy. Be human, just like you are.
Have a presence on the world wide web. It is the world's community.
Always remember to consider the return on your company's investment.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Help Save The Horses

I suppose there are people that do not care for horses but I am not one of them.  I do not own a horse and I have only recently learned to say that I have not had the best experiences with horses and yet, they are still able to capture my attention. Because of this, when Iron Gait Percherons Rescue had another open house you can bet your bottom dollar that I went to visit the horses that Iron Gait has rescued.

I'm thrilled to report to you that the horses are doing well.  Maybe there was excitement in the air because Eddie Rigney was visiting to perform a jousting demonstration or perhaps it was because the weather was cooler but the horses were all curious to see their visitors and they seemed pleased to welcome everyone into their home.  I am certain that their behavior is heavily influenced by the rescue's Founder and President, Denise Polydor.

Iron Gait is a nonprofit organization and I would like to ask you to take a minute out of your day to read Denise's story about Noah on facebook.  At the end of the story, there is an option to vote.  It's not difficult but facebook does ask to share your information on this one and it will probably mean that you will get farm ads instead of insurance ads for the next few weeks.  I encourage you to vote for Noah and Iron Gait so that they may possibly be the recipient of a grant from Tractor Supply Co.

I hope Denise does not get upset with me for mentioning her name.  She surely deserves credit for saving these beautiful animals, but she won't like my taking attention away from the horses.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Impacts of Sequestration

I can't tell you of all of the impacts that will result because of the current sequestration, but I can tell you that it is not over.  We may notice something in the end of September but it appears that our public officials are not concerned about how citizens of American have been affected.

The Washington Post created a nice state by state list of impacts that has a breakdown by category.  I commend them for compiling the information so that it can be shared nationally.  The information I have linked here may not be the most current, but it sure gives you something to think about!

I urge you to review the information released by the Bipartisan Policy Center (or the BPC as they prefer to refer to themselves) and see what they predict for America's future.  I do not like that the word "assume" is used more than once in the report.  I may just tell bill collectors that, "I assume I can pay"!

I also urge you to contact your elected officials.  Let them know that while they were on vacation you noticed that they were not doing the job you elected them to do.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

New Lighting Page!

Since we've been working on making changes we're happy to announce that we have changed our website and update it with a new Lighting page.  We've even included a free printable pdf that you are welcome to distribute to customers.  Please let us know what you think of the new page by leaving your comments below.