Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wellness in the Workplace

Recently there have been a number of news articles that specify the importance of wellness in the workplace. This is not necessarily news. It has been 26 years since workplace violence occurred at a post office in Edmond, OK and though records are difficult to find there were many incidents prior to that. Sadly, this problem has overflowed to another generation.

This morning we arrived at work after a weekend of trying to put a number of thoughts into proper perspective. It was a matter of being thankful to be able to return to our routine and place ourselves in what we considered a normal day.

Of course, our conversation centered around Newtown, CT and it involved more questions than answers. We all agree that a solution needs to be found to keep our society from living in fear. Our thoughts? The children can be our teachers. Ask questions and listen attentively to the answers. It lets people know that you care.

Need some quick help with your listening skills? You can visit http://nature.berkeley.edu/ucce50/ag-labor/7article/listening_skills.htm

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Made in America Movement

America is absolutely amazing. Apple made an announcement that they were bringing some of their production back to America. This made the headlines, but we were curious. We wondered if we are still in the minority of people that look for products that are made in the United States of America. Come to find out, we're not the only people that believe in America.

The Reshoring Initiative teaches us that companies benefit from reshoring as offshore sourcing faces higher costs in transportation and fuel, as well as increasing wages. We invite you to visit our December Notables December 2012 Notables page to learn more about reshorenow.org.

There is a whole new trend coming along called "Reshoring" although some refer to it as "backsourcing" or "onshoring".  Either way the efforts support businesses bringing jobs back to the U.S. from overseas.  Companies such as Janssen Boas are happy to help other businesses bring products back to the United States and organizations like reMakeIn still believe that neighbors and local communities can help one another.  

America is amazing!  For many of us America is the country that owed us nothing but gave us everything.  It seems we're realizing that it is time for us to give back.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Notables

Our December Notables page is up and running!

Though the first item we listed on our page was certainly not one we were looking into, we found a bargain on  the Samsung Series 7 Gamer 17.3 Inch (Yellow) Laptop.  Yellow?  Well, we found different opinions about the color and it turns out we've decided we'd be okay with saving twenty percent and adjust to not having the same model in black.  

Visit our December 2012 Notables page to see what we found!   

Saturday, December 1, 2012

November Update

Who would have guessed that OSHA would have been included in our final update to our November Notables page?  Yesterday's blog was entitled, December 15th Brings New Regulations for Residential Builders.  The more research we did the more we found that this is not something to be ignored.  Though we didn't find that there were additional OSHA inspectors we did find that citations and fines for lack of fall protection had been issued within the last three months.  Some of these fines were substantial.  Please visit our November 2012  to confirm that you are prepared for the newest OSHA regulations.  

Friday, November 30, 2012

December 15th Brings New Regulations for Residential Builders

December 15, 2012 brings new directives that require all residential builders to comply with 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1926.501(b)(13).   This date was issued as a temporary extension that was issued  August 30, 2012. 

Under 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13) workers performing residential construction six (6) feet or more above lower levels are to be protected by conventional fall protection.  Note that regulations for roofers has changed too.  For roofers, the 25 foot, ground-to-eave height threshold no longer applies, nor do slide guards as an acceptable form of fall protection, regardless of the roof pitch or height of the roof eave.

These new directives from OSHA have been supported through various governmental web sites and local offices.  Free and confidential advice is available from OSHA through their on site consultation page.  Detailed regulations can be found through the United States Department of Labor.  Plan, provide, and train are three simple steps to prevent falls.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Don't Blame it on the Turkey

We've all heard that turkey makes us tired because of the tryptophan that it contains but it is probably the combination of the food, the celebratory atmosphere, and the extra work required throughout the day.  Did you spend some extra time in the kitchen, hang a few Christmas lights, cheer your favorite team on?  Heading back to work may seem like a vacation.

Don't forget that our Shopping page has links to help ease the way through navigating toward the perfect gift.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Oh, My. Cyber Monday!

Black Friday started on Thursday and rolled over into the weekend.  Now we're at Cyber Monday.  Gosh, will the best deals be available on Tuesday?  When I hit two for two of the items I had been looking for as being "sold out" within the first hour I decided to quit.

On our Shopping page we have direct links for Cyber Monday Deals Week, Deal of The Day, and deals that are available through Amazon Mom.  If you're going to be shopping for deals on Cyber Monday we've tried to make it a little easier for you.  Those bargains are out there and actually, I found one of those "sold out" items was available through Amazon.  They had a better price too!  Hope you have the same experience.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Count Down to Thanksgiving/Take a Deep Breath

We're counting down to Thanksgiving.  Schools are on break and the stores are mobbed.  Black Friday seems to have turned into a two week event.  It's a hectic time for everyone.

Stop.  There is no need to get caught up in it.  Take a deep breath.  Take another deep breath and think about something - anything that you have to be thankful for.

So far we have learned that those LED Christmas lights that were guaranteed for 250,000 hours two years ago are no longer carrying the same guarantee.  We had thought that 28 plus years of bulb life was a little excessive.  We've learned that the bargain turkeys of five years ago now carry a prime price.  Guess we all bragged about are bargain and turned into a everyone's desire.  We have also learned that when pre-lit trees are not 100% functional, wire cutters are a big help!  Oh, we've learned that a deep breath helps too!

Take a deep breath and know that we're thankful for you.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Susie Makes Sense

A few weeks ago I met Susie of Susie Makes Scents.com.  I discovered that Susie's products not only create a nice fragrance in the office, but they make sense too as the candles that Susie creates are make from soy wax and reasonably priced.  Admittedly, I chose the Christmas Tree scent because I was feeling anxious for the fast approaching holiday.  I expected to hear complaints, but the aroma seemed to have a comforting effect.

Because of my initial fear of blowing everybody away with the scent, I used half of a square in my own burner.  Since the wax is make of soy it was easily cut into a smaller piece and the scents clean with soap and water.

Per Susie's web site, for $11.00 you get one scent tray and one Tulip Burner.  We all agreed that this would be a wonderful gift for co-workers, neighbors, friends, and relatives.   Visit www.susiemakesscents.com to order that unique, personal gift that you've been looking for.

what other discoveries we have made.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Do You Have the Time?

You're out there working or not and it doesn't really matter.  Maybe it does, but you're never really sure.
Well, we thought about having the dog write for us under a pen name and voice her opinions on the entire political, social, and economical situation in the United States and it occurred to us that giving the dog artistic license might get us in a heap of trouble!

One of the discussions during our blog meeting was how people are quick to tell Veterans thanks, yet they forget that their rights to life and liberty are not just words in the Constitution, they are rights that military personnel maintain for all American citizens.  We feel humbled.

The question is, do you have the time?  Do you have the time to contact your elected officials and voice your opinion?  Do you have the time to use the freedom of speech right that veterans have defended?  We've searched and found contact information for elected officials.  We have published links on our November Notables page.  Want to honor a vet?  Use your rights.

On a side note, we know that there is nothing worse than prodding someone to do the job that they are paid for.  Management does it all of the time and we hate them for it.  Thanks, management.  We're all happy to have someone to hate and blame!  We're expecting that you will help all of us prod our elected officials along so that they will do the job they are paid for.  In this case, the author was elected to post the blog and as the author holds a management position she will have to take immediate action.  ~off to honor a vet because I'll find the time

Friday, November 9, 2012

November Notables

We've updated our November Notables page.  This update brings us back home for a little while because we have the bad habit of not noticing important dates that arrive no matter how much we want to ignore them.

This update focuses on Christmas Lights Etc..  A few years ago while we were looking for definitions to understand upgrades we wanted for our decorations, we found Christmas Lights Etc. and via their web site we were able to learn everything we wanted to know about the lights and more!   This is one of those companies that started out small and has now been featured on major television networks.  It's no wonder.  These folks not only share their knowledge but they donate ten percent of all sales to The American Red Cross in support of folks affected by disasters like Hurricane Sandy.

Visit Georgianna Hardware Corporation to see why we think Christmas Lights Etc. is notable.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We Think Spark Relief Is Notable

We've updated our web site!  Our November Notables page highlights the Relief Spark organization that focuses on disaster recovery.  Spark Relief has information about the community driven disaster relief that is available in areas where Hurricane Sandy caused so much devastation.

This site is a huge benefit for victims as it provides information about shelter, food, transportation, power hours, and even pet care.  Please share the web site with friends or family.

Spark Relief provides an opportunity to learn more about their efforts, donate or volunteer to assist them in building bridges to connect people.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

After the Storm

It is after the storm and we at Georgianna Hardware Corporation hope you are all safe and have everything that you will need for the coming days.

If you are fortunate enough to have electricity we have a treat for you.  We updated our web site by adding some easy cookie recipes to our Kitchen Fun page.  Break out those baking sheets and cooling racks!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why Care About the Presidential Election?

Sometimes I feel like I am preaching to the choir, but today's blog is specifically for the young people that are questioning why they should be bothered being interested in this presidential election.  This will take about two minutes of your time to read.

My mom's family came to America on the Mayflower. History books have taught me that they left England because they felt so strongly about their religious freedom. They were referred to as Separatists and had many difficulties prior to their arrival here.

My dad's family came to America from Nova Scotia, Canada. My paternal grandparents decided to come to America with hope of starting a new life. They were a young couple that had already experienced having two of their children die of Scarlet Fever.

Not having interest in any election is something that is not new to me. Actually, I follow politics for my entertainment and I get it that you're disinterested, but I'd appreciate your being kind enough to allow the few minutes for me to make my case.

This presidential election is rather unique in the fact that our country is divided so evenly. This month we are starting to see changes to our country that have been put in place by our current president. Companies are experimenting to see how they can still make profits while avoiding paying for health care. The first thing those companies did was cut employee hours to 28 hours per week. I bet that hurt. By my calculations those people will receive a check for $168.00. Crap. My smallest grocery order this month was $127.54.

Who cares? Your healthy. You didn't even want to work full time. OK, think about the number of doctors that are becoming disinterested in serving their communities because they never get time off, their pay is going to be reduced, and they will need to make budget cuts with their staff. Odds are they will need to have a part time staff. They went to school for this? They are doing more accounting than assisting people and they're not happy. Can you blame them?

We have heard a lot about Libya recently. Big deal. Most Americans don't even know where it is. That doesn't stop us from sending money to their country and we will do it again next year too. In return we had four Americans killed. Only four, but they weren't your brother, uncle, or friend. Americans care so our government sends money to countries that need financial assistance. Don't forget the millions that we send to others countries and that inludes North Korea, Columbia, and Russia. Wonder why North Korea wants to blow us off the face of the earth? Maybe it's because we gave them $106 million in 2008 but only gave them $2.5 in 2009.  I did the research using our government's web site at http://foreignassistance.gov/CountryIntro.aspx so that you didn't need to.

If you're in the twenty-something bracket think back to September 11, 2001. Do you remember where you were when you heard about the attack on your country? Prior to September 11, 2001 there had been few foreign attacks on U.S. soil. Just for reference, we had the War of 1812, the U.S.-Mexican War in 1846, an attack led by Pancho Villa in Columbus, NM, in 1916, the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, and an attack in New York on the World Trade Center in 1993. These people that you have no interest in keep all of us from harm.  

I remember feeling that my vote didn't count and the president didn't really represent me. Not that either candidate can relate to me now! Who cares? The question is, why care?  Well, as American citizens we have been granted our unalienable right: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The generations before mine didn't just throw these rights away, they've kept them in check for you. Even with its current difficulties people still have a desire to live in our country and they have good reason to. C'mon, that's kind of cool to know that people you don't even know want to have a life like yours.

If you don't care, too bad. You're not the first and you won't be the last. Worst that can happen is the candidate you choose might not win. I have a realistic view. Is the glass half full of lemonade or is it half empty. Realistic me: It could be piss. You're in America because the generations that came before you thought your rights were important. It's time you care.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Final Debate

Tonight we'll have the final debate.  I'm barely over the last one!  So much excitement, so many news reports, the post debate debating has been a constant.  Even though I love this stuff and find it hard to keep a fairly neutral position, I've become tired of it all.

Tonight I heard Don Lemon having a conversation with two men.  Don was level headed and that reminded me of what I was going to blog about today, being patient.

We need to be patient and wait for answers.  We need to be patient and the economy will recover.  We need to be patient with everything.  Well, the guy behind me that blew his horn when the light turned green wasn't very patient.  It seems nobody is patient.  Neither were either one on Don Lemon's guests.  Then, in the next segment of news the year 2025 was reference.  Really?  I can't wait for the debate and I'm sure happy that I remembered to buy popcorn for tonight!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

On the BIM Soapbox Again!

It happened again.  Two days ago I was rambling on about BIM and VDC software and now it's back in the news.  Contractors using BIM are actually outnumbering the architects that are using it!  Usage of BIM software has increased from 49% in 2009 to 71% in 2012.

It's no wonder that the software is getting so much attention.  The advantages include improved collaboration, predictability, and faster delivery.  Using BIM software also increases safety and reduces waste.  You have to love these win-win scenarios.

GRAPHISOFT is offering free sessions at the Ecobuild America conference in Washington DC on December 5 and 6, 2012.  Visit http://www.aececobuild.com/registration and enter Priority Code SPK12 to receive a free tech user session and other benefits.  (Ref. to GRAPHISOFT offer http://www.marketwatch.com/story/graphisoft-educational-user-sessions-at-ecobuild-america-highlight-open-bim-and-green-building-2012-10-16 )

If you're involved in construction in the slightest way, please take a moment to check out our October 2012 page for a brief overview.  At the very least you can nod and smile when BIM comes up in conversation!  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Have You Visited?

Have you visited our site recently?  We've made a number of additions to our web site, but perhaps you have missed them.  To keep up with us and our news you can connect with us on Twitter or facebook.  Visit our Social page to make the connection.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Second Presidential Debate

Another evening of reality television!  This time it was the debate.  I can't say that there was anything that swayed me one way or the other and I admit that I am sitting down to write a blog in place of a diary. 

My first concern about the debate was jobs.  Jobs for Americans that are unemployed, underemployed, graduating from high school, graduating from college, living someplace that they would rather not because their income doesn't fulfill their dreams.  Each candidate has a plan yet we have experienced almost four years of a plan and the results are questionable.  There is still nothing specific.

I am also concerned about the infrastructure.  Not much was said about the infrastructure in America, but it needs improvement.  Improving the infrastructure would add jobs, but we need money to cover the expenses of materials and labor.  The new highway bill, MAP-21, doesn't give a great deal of promise.  Actually, with the provisions for bicycle trails I am concerned about the distance to the grocery store.

Like many others I read the comments my friends posted on facebook.  Healthcare, employment, and defense cuts are mentioned and more than once honesty is questioned.  I wish the candidates would give public schools the credit they deserve.  Americans are well educated and can keep up with current events.  Americans are tough too and we can handle the truth.  Well, maybe not.  My doctor is on the other side of the hill.  I'll need to pedal my bicycle uphill both ways!

Please take a moment to visit Georgianna Hardware Corporation.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

BIM and VDC Software

I read an article tonight about BIM (Building Information Modeling) and VDC (Virtual Design Construction) that left me wondering why the construction industry has been slow to incorporate the construction modeling software into their business as a standard. I have to agree that the cost and the learning curve, which I see as nothing other than cost, are the root of the problem.

There are many corporations that talk about progress and being open minded to new ideas and since I didn't know much about BIM I started to research it. Come to find out we have already used some of the free software from Google, SketchUp, in our business!  We also made reference to Google Sketchup in September when we highlighted the capabilities of 3D printers. I'll admit, we used Sketchup for 2D graphics and I am still learning to use the software after more than a year but that should not deter anyone.

When I went on the search to find construction companies that use the BIM and VDC software I was able to find a few companies that show very impressive results by using the software that has been around for at least three years. It all makes sense. Improved communication of the design, build, and cost would surely streamline any operation. It's a matter of discipline and commitment to implementing the change of routine.

I appeal to two sectors of business, construction and technology. First, construction companies need to be more accepting of technology and recognize that it might actually make the job easier. Second, software companies need to be recognize that their products need to be user friendly and they do have a place in the construction industry.  I realize that these changes will mean companies will incur a cost, but increased revenue appears to be the final result.

Visit Georgianna Hardware Corporation to learn more about the BIM and VDC software that we found.

Friday, October 5, 2012

We're Concerned About Jobs

     We're concerned about jobs.  We've heard about the taxes, but without a job we cannot be taxed.  We can't even go to the mall and spend money on things that are taxed at the local level.  This whole situation is obviously a big mess.

     There are other things to be considered too.  What are we teaching the next generation?  As for myself, I see an angry younger generation that is trying to understand things that are way above my middle-age ability. Knowing that one of six children are receiving assistance for food provisions, it leaves me wondering how these children are handling this crisis that they experience every day.  With mom or dad not longer working this is added stress to the children too.    

     As adults, our coping skills include humor.  Wonder what the next generation thinks of our laughing about there being a lack of oxygen in Denver?  I'm fairly certain that a five year old child hasn't learned about altitude changes.  I keep hearing about light-hearted comments, but I'm not even sure how much my heart weighs!

     The next time the younger generation tells you that you're clueless, take a moment and think about it.  I agree that we need to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and hang in there through these tough time, but think about how the next generation interprets what they see and hear.

OK, folks.  I'll get step down from my little soap box.  When I heard teens talking earlier, it crossed my mind that they should be talking about cars and dances, not gas prices and political debates.

Monday, October 1, 2012

We Need Literacy

We Need Literacy

     When I was talking with a friend of mine the other day she said, “There is no reason not to learn. Education is free.” There is no doubt in my mind that she is right. That is more so true today than it has ever been. I'm not a classroom person, but since I can read, I can learn.

     There are 21 million Americans that cannot read at all. That's hard to believe, but I feel confident it is true. More than 40 million Americans cannot read well enough to fill out a job application. Low literacy levels are easily connected to poverty, but Dollar General is doing something to correct that.

     The Dollar General Literacy Foundation is available to help. I found 23 available programs within 25 miles of my home. This means people are helping people.  It crosses my mind that if I couldn't read I probably would not have found this information on the internet. Again, Dollar General helps by providing a phone number, 1-877-38YOURGED. (1-877-389-687433)

     I realize that the phone number suggests that a person will be working toward their GED, but this is America and it is still a free country. Everything you do will be by choice. I've always thought it was fun to learn. We can't all be the best at everything, but we can all share our knowledge.

     Dollar General has 10,000 store in 40 states, 14.8 billion dollars in sales. I read that the founder had a third grade education. That's cool. More of us should be talking about things like the Dollar General Literacy Foundation.  

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The End of Another Week, The End of Another Month

The End of Another Week, The End of Another Month

     For whatever reason, time passes too quickly.  This week we finished some follow-up work from last week and we connected with a few more businesses and people from coast to coast.  It's work, but it is fun and exciting.  The concept of "Social Networking" was something that we believed in and we were right!  

     The biggest problem for anybody that uses the new found social network is the availability of time.  We've been able to find imaginative personnel and we hope you have too.  There cannot be enough said about how employees need to adapt and react quickly to changes.  This will always be important to production of any sort.  

     We have a meeting each month to remind ourselves of the reasons that we started Georgianna Hardware Corporation.  It's the end of another week, the end of another month.  Time to re-think our business practices.  Use our web page to spark your creativity.  Remember, this matters.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

GHC News for September 19, 2012

GHC News for September 19, 2012

It may not have been of importance to everybody, but we were excited to hear from USA Attachments of King, North Carolina.  Their products are made in America and the company exports worldwide.  

With all of the aftermarket equipment we see, it's nice to know that these products can be supported by professionals that engineer and build the specific part you need.  USA Attachments makes it simple.  They use AR400 steel and offer complete satisfaction with their products.  When we compared prices, we found that USA Attachments was certainly competitive.  You can follow USA Attachments on Twitter @excavator and find them on facebook at  USA Attachments.  If you're in need of backhoe attachments, excavator buckets, couplers, or pins...well, anything that you might need to attach to heavy equipment, please take a moment to consider the products that USA Attachments has available.

We were so pleased to see the products that are available through USA Attachments that we included them in our September Notables page.  

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Numbers of Unemployed vs. Unfed

Sometimes news reports give us statistics about unemployment and include numbers about underemployed. The reports often include references to states or regions and they factor in whichever quarter the author decides to reference.  It gets confusing.  Whatever variables are included in reports, it is no wonder people don't like numbers, but it is basic elementary school math.

It is important to know that nobody knows exactly how many people are employed because nobody counts them. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the numbers based on a random sampling of the population. When was the last time you were included in a “random sampling”? Talk about variables!

Today, when I was reading about the labor market in the United States of America I read that the unemployment rate dropped from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent. This is better than the ten percent that was reported in October of 2009 but that doesn't give us any actual facts, but I am more concerned about SNAP.

SNAP is the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program that we commonly refer to as “food stamps”. Reports have been released that fifteen percent of American citizens at receiving benefits from the SNAP program. Again, it is basic elementary school math. Stop one hundred people on the street and fifteen of them require nutritional assistance. 

More jobs will always mean there is less unemployment, but it will also reduce the number of hungry people.  Please help your local food pantry or visit Feeding America

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Trust Me?

Yesterday I heard confirmation of something that I had suspected for a long time. I heard Ryan Holiday on a radio show and he confirmed that the media tries to pull the wool over our eyes. Thank you, Ryan, but I don't believe it stops there. As a matter of fact, I implore you to tell me who doesn't try to bluff the general population.

Since we established our business we have had scores of ads that tell us we can make a lot of money by pretending to be something we are not. “Be the authority,” they say. We review our skills and talents and sit at our meetings shaking our heads. I just Googled “be the authority” and had 35 million results.

Well, we at GHC have our talents and interests. Mine is over thirty years of interest in various aspects of construction and mining. Of course, I could try to bluff you and throw out the cumulative years of experience that we have and tell you that we have over sixty-five years experience in the construction and mining fields, but I think that would be silly.

Today's advice: Don't believe everything you read.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What Has Been Going On? Our explanation.

What Had Been Going On?  Our explanation.

I imagine that a few of you have wondered why Georgianna Hardware has been rather quiet and has not been operating under what were considered to be normal conditions. Standard business protocol does not explain how to handle some things.

Our family owned and operated business experienced a great loss on June 13, 2012. My mom, Janice Miller, passed away. Mom had been ill for quite a while, but our hearts still grieve. As a family, we are being patient with ourselves and allowing the mourning process to have its time.

Though behind the scenes we have been keeping up with news and planning Georgianna Hardware Corporation's future, we appreciate that you forgive us for preferring seclusion during this difficult time.

Our love,
Kara Miller and family

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Favorite Road Hero

The Road Connection is very serious about their "Favorite Road Hero" contest.  The grand prize is now an iPad2.  There are 2nd and 3rd prizes too and the contest is open to anyone that has concern for our roads.  I've thought about sending my photo in, but I'd rather one of my virtual friends be the big winner! 

If anything, this contest is too easy.  Take a picture of a friend or co-worker, upload it to The Road Connection's facebook  Road Hero page, and wait to see who wins on June 15, 2012.  (Read the rules via this link.)  

This is a contest that applies to an incredible amount of folks.  There are no hoops to jump through, no marathons to run, and no unusual skills required.  As I sit and type this I am wracking my brain to think of friends and their occupations.  Truck drivers, school bus drivers, mothers, police officers, construction workers, local news teams, hospital workers, teachers ~ I think the ultimate prize is that our roads are safe.

Thanks to The Road Connection for their concern and a special thanks to their sponsors, KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile ScreensBedRug, TruXedo  Navman wirelessLiebherr, and Performance Marketing.  These businesses, large and small, along with other partners are making our world a better place.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Test of Going Lean

I don't think I'm alone when I say that I do not like tests.

Our updated web site has been a test.  For that matter, my smart phone was a test today too!   Who made the decision to alphabetize all of my listings by the first name?  Every time I call Grandma I have to apologize to Gina for dialing the wrong number.  My fingers are too fat.  

Anyway, today's blog is a test run.  If you'd like to visit our updated site we'd be happy to have you visit.  This matters is one of our new pages that has a fast, easy lesson about lean management.  Going lean may seem like  a test, but we all agree that if we go lean we'll save money.

Friday, April 20, 2012

On The Road

I have been teaching someone to drive.  I am fortunate because my student is a reasonable driver, but being a driving instructor has given me a whole new perspective.  After driving for more than twenty-five years it occurs to me that driving has become a habit and I don't think much about it.

On Wednesday the House passed legislation that extends transportation funding through September and mandates construction of an oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast.  (This oil pipeline is referred to as the Keystone XL pipeline.)  I'm confused.  This is the highway bill that will create jobs and improve our roads, remember? 

As a driving instructor I am quick to tell my student driver to pay attention to the road ahead.  The Road Connection has been has been on the road rallying for support of our habit.  Help The Road Connection support your habit by visiting their web site and let your representative know that they need to watch the road ahead.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yep, It Is A Small Business!

Sure, a lot of you are small business owners.  It's fun and exciting.  There is never a moment that goes by that you don't have something to think about.  It's fun.  Really, I'm reminding you that it is fun!

Well, owning a business is fun until a service provider decides to change the terms and conditions of your agreement!  That is what happened to me today.  Not as though I'm alone.  I know I heard that a telephone company did this to its customers fairly recently.  

I deterred my husband from getting a smart phone citing the learning curve and the potential cost.  As I think back it seems that it wasn't too long ago that I whined about people putting the cart before the horse.  Telling my husband that he didn't need a smart phone was my way of admitting that I had put the cart before the horse.  I've had my smart phone for a year and I still haven't figured it out.  Basically, I'm the proud owner of a camera that I can make phone calls with.  

I apologize for venting like this, but I want you to all know that you are not alone.  Go ahead and laugh with me because you know it's nice to get these stupid problems resolved and I'll be off to check on our highway bill.  I wish you a good day!  

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Deserving of Attention

We updated our web site with a new page that is entitled "Deserving of Attention".  This will be a page that we will be adding to on a regular basis.

This writer has long been against suggesting that you do somebody's work.  Actually, I'm the first to say things such as, "I sat down to watch the news and if I wanted to read about it I would get a newpaper so they can stop telling me to visit their web site!" 

We meet folks all of the time that certainly deserve attention.  Perhaps you have met some too!  For that matter, you may be one of them.  We just can't meet all of the folks that should be on our new page so please contact us when you meet somebody that is willing to roll up their sleeves and do something.  We may just give you or your friends some time in the spotlight. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Test of Time

Back in 1887 a Shaker elder wrote, "The clock is an emblem of a Shaker Community because everything goes on time."  Wise words. 

Tonight I attempted to fix a chain driven clock that my grandfather built over thirty years ago.  I didn't get the clock fixed, but it sure got me thinking.  I know that my grandfather bought a kit and assembled this clock.  I'm sure it arrived at his home in more than one box.  I know he spent hours working to identify the parts and even more hours completing the project.  He created an heirloom that is still impressive.  He had integrity and knew that intergrity would stand the test of time. 

Everything goes on time, but not everything passes the test of time.  I put a few clock kits on Georgianna Hardware if you're interested in creating an heirloom for your family.       

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Neat Website

I immediately thought of our friends and followers when I ran across this site today and I wanted to share it as soon as possible

fiverr.com/ is just as the name says.  Fiverr claims to be the world's largest marketplace for small services.  You only need to join and then you can buy or sell according to their service terms.  It's a neat way to have a greeting card made or to get travel ideas.  Some things are bizarre, some are useful, and some are just funny.

Fiverr has small icon that specifies where the person offering the service is located.  I think you'll like the site.  Visit us at Georgianna Hardware Corporation.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm Not Kidding, It's Easy

I had exciting news last week.  Georgianna Hardware Corporation officially became a friend of The Road Connection.  I first saw The Road Connection in January of this year when they started their year long campaign.
Since then, The Road Connection has put over 7,000 into their effort.

It's great to see that people and businesses recognize the need for safe roads and bridges.  The Road Connection's sponsors encourage everyone to nominate what they believe is the worst road or bridge in America.  All nominations will be included in their presentation to congress.  These guys are willing to be your voice.  They just ask that you send a picture to help them prepare their report.  If you do nominate a Worst Road or Bridge you are entered to win a Truxedo Lo Pro QT truck bed cover.

Nominating a road is the matter of uploading a picture to theroadconnection.org/worst_roads.  The final deadline is August 31, 2012, and The Road Connection will announce the winner the following week.  Even if you don't own a pick up you can win.  My new found friends have made this easy and they would like to be your friends too.    

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Please Contribute to Your Local Non-Profit

We've had unusual duties this week.  Instead of directing our attention to our business we are focusing our energies on creating items that will be auctioned to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of North Georgia.

I know it is unusual to take the time to direct attention to something other than work but statistics tell us that a child that does not graduate from high school could cost upwards of one million dollars over their lifetime.  We know that when children learn more they earn more and that means they contribute to society.  To me it is a win-win situation for all of us.

We support the Boys and Girls Club of North Georgia.  I'm sure you have a local non-profit that would appreciate your support too.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Please Like Us

It just seems silly that I would be posting a blog that is entitled, "Please Like Us", but I am.  I would never run up to somebody on the street and say, "Do you like me?  Do you?  Do you like me?"  Actually, that thumbs up thing gets on my nerves sometimes.  Let me give you a couple of examples.

I spend five hours at the stove making shrimp fettuccine alfredo and serve it with homemade rolls still warm from the oven.  "How's dinner?"  I get a thumbs up?

I take the car to the car wash, vacuum it, detail it inside and out, and return home.  "How's the car look!?"  Thumbs up?

Whose idea was this anyway?  There have been times that I was interested in something that somebody posted, but it didn't please me.  (ie. tornadoes that have destroyed homes.)  I admit to being sarcastic but I can't "like" that.

I read that facebook is going to give us more options in the near future.  In the mean time, we need you to "Like our facebook page.  I'm not looking for a major commitment and let me remind you that you always have option to hide my posts from your page.  You can "Like" us through three simple clicks.  Thank you.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Me and the Road Connection

I'm not supposed to write about me, but I know me and last night I couldn't get to sleep because I kept playing part of the The Road Connection's video in my head.

It amazes me to think that 33,000 people die on our roads each year and one third of those accidents occur because of the condition of the road.  I started to look around online and found itoworld.com has a map  that shows road fatalities from 2001-2009.  Seeing the route that my husband takes to work reminds me that I truly am blessed to have him arrive home safely each day.

The Road Connection, founded by American businesses, has taken on the responsibility not only save our infrastructure but to save lives as well.  Roads are important to all of us and this initiative should not be ignored.

Friday, February 17, 2012

We love Small Parts

SmallParts.com has it all.  If you are in need of items for work or school, SmallParts.com has it.  We are thrilled that Amazon recognized the need for this business and encourage you to visit them.  See more details about SmallParts.com here

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Free Business Advice

As you know, I like to read.  For my pleasure this week I took a few hours to read about business.  You've probably read the typical books on best business practices, the ways to increase productivity and creativity, and the need for self discipline.  It wasn't boring reading for me, it was actually inspiring.  I've been trying to build this business of mine and have been dealing with a number of different companies.  I have learned a little more about business than I knew when Georgianna Hardware first started so I have decided to write the first installment of my book and share it with you.   Here goes.

Do not put the cart before the horse.

Please feel free to use this valuable advice and share it with your friends and family.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm outnumbered!

There are a lot of you that have a difficult time keeping up with industry news and it's really no wonder.  Best I could figure is that 273 million people in America use the internet and much of the news is posted on the internet.  I can assure you that all of those people can type fast!  

I'm old school.   I read more than I write.  Take a look at the list of technical publications that we at Georgianna Hardware Corporation read.  If you see one that is of interest to you consider following Georgianna Hardware Corporation through Facebook or Twitter.  

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The American Way

Since starting Georgianna Hardware I have learned a lot.  Rumors fly faster than you can slip on ice.  Recently an associate of mine had somebody ask how much money they make from their internet business.  "35 million dollars," was the answer.  

Wow!  That's a lot of money, but the real answer is a lot less than that.  A lot less.  My associate put in 540 hours working on his web site last month.  That's over thirteen work weeks in the last thirty days. (18 hour days for the last thirty  days, 540 hours divided by a 40 hour week.)  Thank goodness this guy has youth on his side!

The up side of working this business is we do get a behind the scenes view.  I am happy to tell you that all of the things you read and hear about privacy are true.  There is never a name mentioned, never an IP address given.  Sure, there are hackers that somehow intentionally steal information, but companies really do respect your privacy.   Those hackers would get us one way or the other because that is their intent.  

For those of you that think the guy on the internet is on the "Get Rich Quick Train", I ask that you remember their eighteen hour days.  I'm impressed with my associates because I see them work hard at sharing.  It's the American way.

(I couldn't even believe it.  I did the math five times to come up with 13.5 forty hour work weeks.)   

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I've been removed from blogging due to my responsibilites being changed up a little because of my husband's surgery, but I'm back and though I didn't accomplish everything on my list I'm very pleased that we were able to get some site updates done.

I'm hoping that the new Kinect page on our site answers your questions about the Kinect for Xbox 360.  The technology in the Kinect is amazing and it's exciting to watch Microsoft release new products.  Hard to believe that some two year old children never knew the world without the Kinect. 

You'll need to browse around to see all of the updates but here's the link for our new Kinect page. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Start of The New Year

And they're off!  Off into the New Year with great enthusiasum and robust confidence.  Leaving 2011 behind and dashing into 2012 with great eagerness. 

You were all part of the transition that is taking place.  Made in America is cool again.  More and more folks have taken steps to promote and support products and services that support American workers.  Good for you for being a trend setter.  Your awareness is what keeps Americans working.  No matter how minimal you think they are, I appreciate your efforts and they are making a difference in our country. 

Georgianna Hardware is speeding into the new year too, but things will be getting off to a slow start.  Sadly, my husband suffered a hernia late in 2011 and he will be having corrective surgery this week.  In a family owned and operated business this means the entire payroll calls in sick.  We want to be as close to him as possible during his recovery which means he should be quite anxious to return to work in February!    

Thank you for your support throughout 2011.  There are a lot of things in the works here and I think you'll like what Georgianna Hardware offers to you in 2012.