I'm thrilled that my associates took time to prepare a video for us. The video is of a Shop-Vac product that is made in Pennsylvania. I bought the Shop-Vac that is featured in the video for use in the basement. After visiting the web site http://www.shopvac.com/ I am reconsidering my purchase. My Shop-Vac is great, but I bought it for a specific purpose and might have had a multi-use tool for the lawn as well. Or, I'm thinking that I if I had kept it out of the basement I could have had a really neat vacuum for the house.
With all of my vac thoughts, I'm remembering that Father's Day will be June 19, 2011. Maybe I could intercept the gift and get a new vacuum out of the deal! Either way, I am sure that I am going to look more closely at Shop-Vac products. Please do take a few minutes to view the new video.