Thursday, July 31, 2014

You Have Two Days

Once again, lawmakers are needing to take a break and we do not have a comprehensive highway bill.  Sure nobody wants to experience widespread layoffs within construction but it seems the system that is in place doesn't work and we need to reconsider.  The Transportation Empowerment Act introduced by U.S. Rep. Tom Grave (GA) and U.S. Senator Mike Lee (UT) is something that we should consider. 

Rather than piece details together for you, I suggest you watch Senator Lee's video . 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Taking My Own Advice

This is a little difficult but I can see that I need to take my own advice.  I seriously hate it when I must assume the responsibilities and behave like an adult instead of just continuing to have fun with my job.  I've spent a little while pouting but it's no fun so I am just going to move along.

First, please like Georgianna Hardware Corporation on facebook.  Doing a Google search for "facebook is" produced a fun list of options like "for idiots, a waste of time" and also, "dangerous".  Well, we've all thought about something like that at one time or another but it is a fun, easy way to connect with others.

I try to maintain all of the GHC social pages.  We are active on G+, Twitter and Pinterest as well as facebook.   I thank you for taking the time to follow Georgianna Hardware Corporation and look forward to making more friends.  Buy American!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Web Site Update

I was going to place a status update on the facebook page but I thought that it may be a little long and decided just to put this in a blog.

I was updating the Georgianna Hardware Corporation web site and though I am still having a little problem with the site, I stumbled upon the visitor report.  Since GHC primarily connects through social media I rarely bother looking at the report but I did tonight and had to catch my breath.  I remember telling somebody that the site had hundreds of visitors and tonight I find I have underestimated that figure.

I am absolutely thrilled that the Resume help page has been a free resource for so many people to use. Though I have had a few people mention that the resources helped them find gainful employment, I never would have known anything if they hadn't mentioned it.  The report I saw today suggests that at least one of two people I have never met found some help through the site.  I think this is great!

I would give a report about each page but I'm starting to think that the Resume page means more to me than any of the others.  I'm very proud of that page!  
  Thanks for letting me brag a little!

Monday, July 14, 2014

It's History. Today, Mining

Pearl Buck is quoted as to saying, 'If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday'.  I couldn't agree more.  History can actual help us understand what is going to happen in the future.  We can't ignore the past.  I believe we should celebrate it.

This evening I was reading Details of Practical Mining, published in 1916 by McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc., edited by Lee O. Kellogg. Mr. Kellogg was a standing member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers.

This is an ebook, an old book that has been scanned. There may be typos and errors. The original book that was published in 1912 was put together from articles that appeared in Engineering and Mining Details.

I hope you enjoy seeing the advancements in mining as much as I did.

and give GHC a like on facebook too!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Men vs. Women?

I am not worried about the fact that women make less money than men. This is an age old argument that I will not be able to solve but I would like to point out that men and women have something in common. We are all human. People seem to forget that.

I have been reading the work of Jackson Katz recently.  He has been studying much of what we have been living since 1988. I thank Mr. Katz for seeing myself and other women as humans.

Jackson Katz focuses his work on the prevention of violence toward women. (You can get a quick Wiki synopsis of his work at this Wikipedia page.)

Here's where I have a complaint. I have noticed that many women seem to not appreciate men being benevolent. I taught my son to be caring, generous and kind but now that he is an adult I've seen more than one woman rudely tell him he doesn't need to bother holding a door because she is “perfectly capable”. Evidently being polite eludes them.

George Washington wrote 110 Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation well over 100 years ago. If you haven't read it, it's a fun read. Seems to me that the first rule applies to every human on the earth. That rule is: Every action done in company ought to be with some sign of respect to those that are present. This rule reflects the “Grandmother Test” I added notes of on the web site some time ago.  You can find it referenced on the Resume Help page.

I believe when virtue and honor are no longer fashionable we will all have more problems than we could wish for our worst enemies.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

It's Easy

I think I may have encountered a non-believer. I can hear the echos of the nay sayers that have been around from the beginning but, yes there are always “buts” in my world!

During difficult times we wanted to help empower our friends and family. Hours of conversation and in regard to how to best help people and the decision was made to take the conversation to the world wide web and what a great experience it has been! Since the information that is provided through Georgianna Hardware Corp. is public knowledge we supply the information free of charge. I know. It almost sounds too good to be true but it's real.

Here's where I make the grand hit in the imaginary game of ping pong! The ball is now in your court. You must make the decision as to whether or not the information I provide is something you are interested in. It's that easy.

I have helped some people, made contact with many great people and have been fortunate to make some new friends. It's easy!