Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yep, It Is A Small Business!

Sure, a lot of you are small business owners.  It's fun and exciting.  There is never a moment that goes by that you don't have something to think about.  It's fun.  Really, I'm reminding you that it is fun!

Well, owning a business is fun until a service provider decides to change the terms and conditions of your agreement!  That is what happened to me today.  Not as though I'm alone.  I know I heard that a telephone company did this to its customers fairly recently.  

I deterred my husband from getting a smart phone citing the learning curve and the potential cost.  As I think back it seems that it wasn't too long ago that I whined about people putting the cart before the horse.  Telling my husband that he didn't need a smart phone was my way of admitting that I had put the cart before the horse.  I've had my smart phone for a year and I still haven't figured it out.  Basically, I'm the proud owner of a camera that I can make phone calls with.  

I apologize for venting like this, but I want you to all know that you are not alone.  Go ahead and laugh with me because you know it's nice to get these stupid problems resolved and I'll be off to check on our highway bill.  I wish you a good day!  

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Deserving of Attention

We updated our web site with a new page that is entitled "Deserving of Attention".  This will be a page that we will be adding to on a regular basis.

This writer has long been against suggesting that you do somebody's work.  Actually, I'm the first to say things such as, "I sat down to watch the news and if I wanted to read about it I would get a newpaper so they can stop telling me to visit their web site!" 

We meet folks all of the time that certainly deserve attention.  Perhaps you have met some too!  For that matter, you may be one of them.  We just can't meet all of the folks that should be on our new page so please contact us when you meet somebody that is willing to roll up their sleeves and do something.  We may just give you or your friends some time in the spotlight. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Test of Time

Back in 1887 a Shaker elder wrote, "The clock is an emblem of a Shaker Community because everything goes on time."  Wise words. 

Tonight I attempted to fix a chain driven clock that my grandfather built over thirty years ago.  I didn't get the clock fixed, but it sure got me thinking.  I know that my grandfather bought a kit and assembled this clock.  I'm sure it arrived at his home in more than one box.  I know he spent hours working to identify the parts and even more hours completing the project.  He created an heirloom that is still impressive.  He had integrity and knew that intergrity would stand the test of time. 

Everything goes on time, but not everything passes the test of time.  I put a few clock kits on Georgianna Hardware if you're interested in creating an heirloom for your family.       

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Neat Website

I immediately thought of our friends and followers when I ran across this site today and I wanted to share it as soon as possible is just as the name says.  Fiverr claims to be the world's largest marketplace for small services.  You only need to join and then you can buy or sell according to their service terms.  It's a neat way to have a greeting card made or to get travel ideas.  Some things are bizarre, some are useful, and some are just funny.

Fiverr has small icon that specifies where the person offering the service is located.  I think you'll like the site.  Visit us at Georgianna Hardware Corporation.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm Not Kidding, It's Easy

I had exciting news last week.  Georgianna Hardware Corporation officially became a friend of The Road Connection.  I first saw The Road Connection in January of this year when they started their year long campaign.
Since then, The Road Connection has put over 7,000 into their effort.

It's great to see that people and businesses recognize the need for safe roads and bridges.  The Road Connection's sponsors encourage everyone to nominate what they believe is the worst road or bridge in America.  All nominations will be included in their presentation to congress.  These guys are willing to be your voice.  They just ask that you send a picture to help them prepare their report.  If you do nominate a Worst Road or Bridge you are entered to win a Truxedo Lo Pro QT truck bed cover.

Nominating a road is the matter of uploading a picture to  The final deadline is August 31, 2012, and The Road Connection will announce the winner the following week.  Even if you don't own a pick up you can win.  My new found friends have made this easy and they would like to be your friends too.