Well, owning a business is fun until a service provider decides to change the terms and conditions of your agreement! That is what happened to me today. Not as though I'm alone. I know I heard that a telephone company did this to its customers fairly recently.
I deterred my husband from getting a smart phone citing the learning curve and the potential cost. As I think back it seems that it wasn't too long ago that I whined about people putting the cart before the horse. Telling my husband that he didn't need a smart phone was my way of admitting that I had put the cart before the horse. I've had my smart phone for a year and I still haven't figured it out. Basically, I'm the proud owner of a camera that I can make phone calls with.
I apologize for venting like this, but I want you to all know that you are not alone. Go ahead and laugh with me because you know it's nice to get these stupid problems resolved and I'll be off to check on our highway bill. I wish you a good day!