I'm angry. Well, most people are angry, but not all of the people are in my shoes.
As you may have noticed, I am a news buff. I like to keep up with what is going on in the world. I admit that it's an unusual hobby, but I enjoy seeing businesses grow and expand. I enjoy helping people find information they need. I get a kick out of it. Some people watch television, I watch TV to study the social impact of the advertisements and the script. But now we're all waiting. Waiting for our federal government to make a decision about our lives and they are all fiddling around practicing brinkmanship.
Brinkmanship is a term that was coined by John F. Dulles who served as U.S. Secretary of State under President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Dulles used the term to define the policy that both the United States and the Soviet Union used during the Cold War. Each party used fear tactics and intimidation to obtain their desired outcome.
All in all it seems to be very childish. We're on the brink of something but we're not sure of what that is; we just know we're waiting. In the mean time I'll be happy when the wait is over and I can get back to my hobby of helping people find the information they need and seeing businesses expand.