Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wellness in the Workplace

Recently there have been a number of news articles that specify the importance of wellness in the workplace. This is not necessarily news. It has been 26 years since workplace violence occurred at a post office in Edmond, OK and though records are difficult to find there were many incidents prior to that. Sadly, this problem has overflowed to another generation.

This morning we arrived at work after a weekend of trying to put a number of thoughts into proper perspective. It was a matter of being thankful to be able to return to our routine and place ourselves in what we considered a normal day.

Of course, our conversation centered around Newtown, CT and it involved more questions than answers. We all agree that a solution needs to be found to keep our society from living in fear. Our thoughts? The children can be our teachers. Ask questions and listen attentively to the answers. It lets people know that you care.

Need some quick help with your listening skills? You can visit http://nature.berkeley.edu/ucce50/ag-labor/7article/listening_skills.htm

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Made in America Movement

America is absolutely amazing. Apple made an announcement that they were bringing some of their production back to America. This made the headlines, but we were curious. We wondered if we are still in the minority of people that look for products that are made in the United States of America. Come to find out, we're not the only people that believe in America.

The Reshoring Initiative teaches us that companies benefit from reshoring as offshore sourcing faces higher costs in transportation and fuel, as well as increasing wages. We invite you to visit our December Notables December 2012 Notables page to learn more about reshorenow.org.

There is a whole new trend coming along called "Reshoring" although some refer to it as "backsourcing" or "onshoring".  Either way the efforts support businesses bringing jobs back to the U.S. from overseas.  Companies such as Janssen Boas are happy to help other businesses bring products back to the United States and organizations like reMakeIn still believe that neighbors and local communities can help one another.  

America is amazing!  For many of us America is the country that owed us nothing but gave us everything.  It seems we're realizing that it is time for us to give back.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December Notables

Our December Notables page is up and running!

Though the first item we listed on our page was certainly not one we were looking into, we found a bargain on  the Samsung Series 7 Gamer 17.3 Inch (Yellow) Laptop.  Yellow?  Well, we found different opinions about the color and it turns out we've decided we'd be okay with saving twenty percent and adjust to not having the same model in black.  

Visit our December 2012 Notables page to see what we found!   

Saturday, December 1, 2012

November Update

Who would have guessed that OSHA would have been included in our final update to our November Notables page?  Yesterday's blog was entitled, December 15th Brings New Regulations for Residential Builders.  The more research we did the more we found that this is not something to be ignored.  Though we didn't find that there were additional OSHA inspectors we did find that citations and fines for lack of fall protection had been issued within the last three months.  Some of these fines were substantial.  Please visit our November 2012  to confirm that you are prepared for the newest OSHA regulations.