Thursday, June 25, 2015

My Two Cents About The Confederate Flag

I'm tired of hearing about the Confederate flag controversy.  

I'm not sure how the lives of nine people that were killed in cold blood on American soil are now the second news story of each broadcast but those lives were and are way more important than the Confederate flag stories.

When my husband and I moved to Georgia from New England I was surprised to see the Confederate flag as frequently as I did.  At the time the Union Jack was even incorporated into the state flag but that changed through a vote that was held and in 2003 a new, modern representation of the Stars and Bars officially became the state flag.

It was a very civilized vote and 73% of the voting population thought that the state needed to update how they were perceived by other parts of the country.  I recall that I asked the neighborhood children what they thought about the Confederate flag being used in their state flag.  They shrugged their shoulders.

The Confederate battle flag was just that.  A battle flag of General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia.  Until tonight I didn't know that the NAACP had an economic boycott on the state of South Carolina.  Nor did I know that the states of Florida, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana and South Carolina have laws that ban the desecration of the Confederate flag.

I keep hearing about the racism that the flag represents.  I'm not convinced of that.  I think young people are quick to use it as a statement of rebellion.  Shouldn't be a shock to any of us that young people haven't done their homework and just like the idea of giving a rebel yell.  My favorite is when the young man has his rebel flag displayed in the $50K truck that his parents bought for him.

The community of Charleston, SC has experienced at horrible hate crime.  I have been thoroughly impressed by the dignity and grace the families that have experienced great loss have shown.  

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Deputy sits in hot car for 25 minutes!

I am awed by the impression that this video made on me. The heat really gets to me so it's personal. I shared the video on the GHC facebook page and it reached record numbers. Yesterday I heard two reports of accidental heat stress reports. It wasn't even summer.

Today, June 21, 2015 is the first day of summer.

I commend Georgia's Forsyth County Sheriff's Office for allowing Officer Regan to take the time (and the risk) to create this video that gives a live report of what happens when a living being is left in an unattended vehicle.

Please remember to practice safety at all times and always check the seating and storage areas of your vehicle before leaving it unattended.
Please share.  

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Update, What I Am Doing

Next week will officially be 4½ year anniversary of Georgianna Hardware Corporation. This means that once again I have been re-evaluating the procedures, processes and profits.

We'll call this the 3 P's for lack of a better term!

The first two P's have again been tweaked. My work procedures result in my keeping late hours. I doubt I'll change that but I am in process of adjusting my schedule to have more time to dedicate to GHC. 

The processes make me click where I should not click just so you aren't led astray. Sometimes it means I find something that you may have missed. I click because I know you don't have time to click and recover from that long, drawn out process. Those erroneous clicks really eat up the time! They don't make your IT people want to have lunch with you either. My computer locks up on a regular basis and I get stuck in a lot of loops but I don't share those so you don't experience that.

I finally had to review the profits. I don't like to review the profits, don't like to write about the profits and I have to adjust my thinking to force myself to consider the topic. Notice how I changed up the wording and referred to 'the topic'?

The profits from GHC quite simply are terrible. It has taken me a day to pull myself together to write about the topic of GHC profits! It's discouraging but I understand. My goal is to help you by serving as a virtual assistant that you have no obligation to. Whether it is to provide leads, news, advertising or employment opportunities I don't expect anything in return. We started GHC to help others and I remain true to that. I will be writing a blog some time in the next few days to expand on my thoughts about the GHC profit and loss report. 

The biggest problem I have is that this habit of mine has gotten somewhat out of control. I have had a 16 percent increase in followers in the last three months. This means that I have about 0.12 minutes of personal attention to give to each and every one of you! It's less than that because I didn't subtract any hours for sleep when I ran the numbers but don't worry, I do get my sleep. I am sure I have been filling my hours. Groups, forums, emails, text messages, social networks, snail mail and attending training sessions continue to consume my days but now at an increased level. Maybe you don't miss me and maybe you don't miss my blogs but I'm still around and I'm keeping out of trouble thanks to all of you.