Friday, April 20, 2012

On The Road

I have been teaching someone to drive.  I am fortunate because my student is a reasonable driver, but being a driving instructor has given me a whole new perspective.  After driving for more than twenty-five years it occurs to me that driving has become a habit and I don't think much about it.

On Wednesday the House passed legislation that extends transportation funding through September and mandates construction of an oil pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast.  (This oil pipeline is referred to as the Keystone XL pipeline.)  I'm confused.  This is the highway bill that will create jobs and improve our roads, remember? 

As a driving instructor I am quick to tell my student driver to pay attention to the road ahead.  The Road Connection has been has been on the road rallying for support of our habit.  Help The Road Connection support your habit by visiting their web site and let your representative know that they need to watch the road ahead.