Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yippie! Freebies!

We have added a new page to our web site!  Freebies!  There are a few files that refer to gardening that we thought might be of some help getting you into the mood to celebrate Spring.  (I've been rained in for a few days so I figure we could all use a nudge.)  

Remember to look for the made in America tools when your in the lawn and garden shops or you can always visit our website.  Georgianna Hardware

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Deep breaths.

It seems that finding a pair of jeans that are made in America would be easy, but I was wrong. I can't even say that I was up to the challenge today because for some reason the conversation revolved around September 11.

Deep breaths. We are coming up on the ten year anniversary and I still fight back tears, still have to remind myself to inhale and exhale.

I can't say that I am happy with the results that I have listed on the web site. I wanted to find jeans for the men in my life. I'm talking about the men. The guys that know how to use a shovel, get the job done and aren't afraid to get dirty while they do their job. They are the men that can wear the suit to the office, come home, change their clothes and make plumbing repairs.

Deep breaths. Some of the companies that I had originally searched out are no longer producing their products in America, but there is good news! Yes, there are American made jeans. The prices range up toward four-hundred dollars in some cases, but there are American made jeans to be found.

If you can find any others that I haven't given recognition to please drop me a note and I will be happy to update my records. Actually, I would love to update my records. Just the thought of it makes me feel better.
Diamond Gusset jeans are made in America and you can will see a few more at

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bon Ami is made in America

My family has been using Bon Ami for years and I am pleased to showcase this item in Georgianna Hardware's blog. No need to worry about allergic reactions with this product. The Faultless Starch Company/Bon Ami Company have been making their Earth friendly products for over one-hundred years. I think our video shows how powerful the product is. Take a moment to watch what we were able to do in the matter of minutes.
 Try as we might to edit our video the changes would not take on our original blog post.   The dog was forgiving of we humans.  The cat's comment:  "Idiots."

You can visit the makers of Bon Ami at

Monday, March 28, 2011

It's chilly, but the dog and cat are warm.

The night before the Grand Opening of my online store that I have decided to open because I have such a strong belief in the American Dream, my house seems cold. Every time the wind blows it seems as if the cold air rushes in and I get chilled. I could turn the electric heat up, walk all the way across the living room and turn the dial on the gas fireplace, go get a blanket or sweater, or even use the stove to bake some cookies. I have plenty of choices. 
I have always thought that I was very fortunate to live in the world's greatest country. My ancestors gained their strength from something that I have never had to long for. Those people decided to give me a gift that I could pass on to my children with pride. They fought for me to keep the gift and they worked to allow me to have choices.

Tonight, as I sit here at my computer, I feel chilled.  I know that there are children just up the road from me that are cold too.  Maybe they do not have a choice.  My grandparents wanted better for their children and saw America as the tool that would help them achieve their dream.  That action allowed me to make the choice to start this blog and my little online store that will spotlight products that are made in America. Now I must choose which product to feature.

I chose cat food as the first item to spotlight in my blog. It's common enough. You either love cats or you hate them. My associates and I recently finished our study of cat food.  We found three different brands of cat food in the cabinet. All three were chicken so we figured it was a fair comparison. The first was a store brand that was produced in Canada. The second was the 9 Lives brand , but we weren't sure where it was produced. The third brand clearly state, “Made in Thailand”. What? Really?

I decided to call the 800 number listed on the 9 Lives can. A very nice lady answered the call and was more than willing to answer my questions. Yes, the can of chicken cat food was made in America. The beef I have is too. As for the fish, no. All of the fish used in cat food must be de-boned prior to processing. Sadly, Americans don't like to de-bone fish because it is, “labor intensive”, and therefore the product generally comes from Thailand and then is sent to American Samoa for packing.  The labels accurately reference this information.

Today I launch my American dream. I want to build an awareness about American made products.  It's been an effort and I would like to share my journey. I'd love it if you would choose to follow along. For goodness sake, I inquired about the cat's food. Odd, the cat chose to refuse to eat the chicken that had come from Thailand, but he and the dog are warm tonight.

Please visit our website

Monday, March 7, 2011

Our new web site is coming soon!

We're all working on our new web site and are full of excitement! 
March 28, 2011 is the target release date.  Mark your calendars
because you don't want to miss our first day.